Demon's Souls PS5

Geri's Stiletto Upgrades and How to Get

This is the page for the Geri's Stiletto weapon in the Demon's Souls Remake for PS5. Read on for this weapon's stats, upgrade information, and where to get it!

Geri's Stiletto Stats and How to Get

Geri's Stiletto Stats


Type Attack Type Phy Atk Mag Atk Fire Atk
Rapier Pierce 50 40 0
Str Bonus Dex Bonus Magic Bonus Faith Bonus
E D D -
Required Stats Durability
Str: 7 Dex: 16 Mag: 14 Faith: 0 200
Weight Repair Cost Blacksmith
0.7 1500 Searing Demon’s Soul

Only Normal and Quality upgrades are available in the Nexus

Geri's Stiletto Status Effects

Bleed Poison Plague Crit
- - - -

Geri's Stiletto Damage Reduction

Reduction % Guard Break
Phys (40) Mag (10) 25

How to Get Geri's Stiletto

How to Get
Event: Sage Freke, the Visionary

Geri's Stiletto Analysis

MP Absorb

With every attack, Geri's Stiletto absorbs MP from its target. This makes it useful especially for magic users as they can continue on even without MP recovery items.

Geri's Stiletto Upgrade Stats and Materials

Geri's Stiletto Upgrade Stats

Level Phys Str Dex Magic Faith Bonus
+1 50 E D D - Attacks recover a small amount of MP.
+2 50 E D D - Attacks recover a medium amount of MP.
+3 50 E D D - Attacks recover a large amount of MP.
+4 50 E D D - Attacks recover a very large amount of MP.
+5 50 E D D - Attacks recover a high amount of MP.

Geri's Stiletto Upgrade Materials

Level Upgrade Material (Shard/Large/Chunk/Pure) Upgrade Cost
1 Colorless Demon’s Soul 1130
2 Colorless Demon’s Soul 1130
3 Colorless Demon’s Soul 1130
4 Colorless Demon’s Soul 1130
5 Colorless Demon’s Soul 1130

Demon's Souls Related Links

List of Weapons

Daggers Swords Axes
Hammers Fists Spears and Poles
Bows and Crossbows Catalysts and Talismans Shields


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