FF7 Remake

Melfi: Character | Who is Melfi?

This is a profile of the character Melfi from the game Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake)'s DLC Intergrade for the PS5. Read on to learn about this character and who she is.

Who is Melfi?

Sonon's Sister

Sonon and Melfi
The only time we see Melfi in FF7 Remake Intergrade is in Sonon's flashback. In the flashback, Sonon holds his fatally injured sister and talks about how Scarlet's machines are responsible for Melfi's death. To Sonon, Yuffie parallels Melfi, much to Yuffie's frustration. This gives Sonon a deep sense of responsibility to protect Yuffie on their mission despite Yuffie being the more experienced one.

New Character to the Series

Shinra Wutai War
Just like Sonon, Melfi is a new character introduced in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake DLC. She has not made an appearance in the original game or any of the other FF7 games. Her connection to the main story at this point is solely through Sonon and his backstory, serving as his motivation for hating and fighting against Shinra.

Melfi Died During the Wutai War

Shinra War Machine
Sonon mentions Mefli dying at the hands of Scarlet's machines in his flashback of the Wutai war. The Wutai war is a long conflict that stems from Wutai not surrendering to Shinra's will, refusing Shinra's generous offer of installing a Mako reactor in Wutai. Even though Shinra had a clear advantage, Wutai fought tooth and nail, until Shinra's overwhelming power became apparent. Sadly, Melfi was a casualty of this conflict.

Character Links

Main Characters
cloudCloud AerithAerith BarretBarret TifaTifa
Best Build for Each Character
Character Ranking by Stat
Jessie.pngJessie Wedge.pngWedge Biggs.pngBiggs -
Shinra Company
Sephiroth.pngSephiroth Professor Hojo.pngHojo Reno.pngReno President Shinra.pngPresident
Rude.pngRude Heidegger.pngHeidegger Roche.pngRoche Tseng.pngTseng
Scarlet.pngScarlet Palmer.pngPalmer Reeve.pngReeve Rufus.pngRufus
Other Characters
Red XIII.pngRed XIII Don Corneo.pngDon Corneo Leslie.pngLeslie Andrea.pngAndrea
Madam M.pngMadam M Chocobo Sam.pngSam Kyrie.pngKyrie Zack Portrait.pngZack
Vincent Valentine Icon.pngVincent JenovaJenova - -
INTERmission DLC
Yuffie Icon.pngYuffie Sonon Icon.pngSonon Zhijie Icon.pngZhijie Nayo Icon.pngNayo
Billy Bob Icon.pngBilly Bob Polk Icon.pngPolk Nero Icon.pngNero Weiss Icon.pngWeiss
Melfi Icon.pngMelfi - - -

List of Characters


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