Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

How to Get Iron Armor and Effects

Iron Armor is a type of Armor in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See how to get Iron Armor, its effects, and which class can equip it.

How to Get Iron Armor

Purchase from Stores

You can purchase the Iron Armor from the following shops:

Shops that Sell Iron Armor
Asham Isis Khoryv

Iron Armor Price

Buy Price Sell Price
1400 G 360 G

How to Earn Gold Fast

Loot from Monsters

You can get the Iron Armor as a dropped item from the following monsters:

Monsters that Drop Iron Armor
Infernal Armour

Iron Armor Stats and Effects

Stats Overview

Iron Armor Overview
Defense 32
Effect This equipment has no additional effects.

Compatible Vocations

Hero Hero Warrior Warrior Martial Artist Martial Artist Mage Mage Priest Priest
Thief Thief Merchant Merchant Gadabout Gadabout Sage Sage Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler

◯ - Can Equip | ✕ - Cannot Equip

All DQ3 Classes: List of Jobs and Vocations

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Armor
List of All Armor

List of All Armor

List of All Armor
Agility Gilet Angel's Robe Auroral Armour Bandit Mail
Black Pyjamas Blessed Bikini Boxer Shorts Cat Suit
Chain Mail Cloak of Evasion Corsair's Coat Dark Robe
Dragon Dojo Duds Dragon Mail Dragon Robe Earthenwear
Epic Apron Exotoga Fizzle-Retardant Suit Flame Armour
Flowing Dress Full Plate Armour Fur Vest Garish Garb
Glombolero Godbird Armour Godbird Robe Hate Mail
Iron Apron Iron Armor Leather Armor Leather Cape
Leather Dress Leather Kilt Magic Armour Magic Bikini
Magical Robes Magical Skirt Party Dress Plain Clothes
Scandalous Swimsuit Shell Armour Shimmering Dress Silk Robe
Silver Cuirass Smart Suit Sparring Suit Spiked Armour
Stealth Suit Tortoise Shell Training Togs Wayfarer's Clothes
Wizard's Robe Yggdrasil Dress Coat


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