Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

How to Get Fur Hood and Effects

Fur Hood is a type of Helmet in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See how to get Fur Hood, effects, and which class can equip it.

How to Get Fur Hood

Purchase from Stores

You can purchase the Fur Hood from the following shops:

Shops that Sell Fur Hood
Asham Khoryv

Fur Hood Price

Buy Price Sell Price
510 G 100 G

How to Earn Gold Fast

Loot from Treasure Chest

You can obtain the Fur Hood from treasure chests at the following locations:

Treasure Chest Locations

All Regions and Maps

Fur Hood Stats and Effects

Stats Overview

Fur Hood Overview
Defense 15
Effect This equipment has no additional effects.

Compatible Vocations

Hero Hero Warrior Warrior Martial Artist Martial Artist Mage Mage Priest Priest
Thief Thief Merchant Merchant Gadabout Gadabout Sage Sage Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler

◯ - Can Equip | ✕ - Cannot Equip

All DQ3 Classes: List of Jobs and Vocations

Equippable by Appearance B Only

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) -  Appearance B
Fur Hood is only equippable to female or Appearance B characters.

Can You Change Gender?

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Helmets
List of All Helmets

List of All Helmets

List of All Helmets
Auroral Helm Black Bandana Duplic Hat Feathered Cap
Fur Hood Great Helm Hapless Helm Hardwood Headwear
Heavenly Helm Hermes' Hat Iron Helmet Iron Mask
King's Crown Leather Hat Mad Cap Mask of Implacability
Mythril Helm Ortega's Helm Phantom Mask Pointy Hat
Rabbit Ears Raging Bull Helm Scholar's Cap Silver Tiara
Star Circlet Thief's Turban Thinking Cap Top Hat


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