Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3)

How to Get Shield of Shame and Effects

Shield of Shame is a type of Shield in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3). See how to get Shield of Shame, effects, and which class can equip it.

How to Get Shield of Shame

Loot from Monsters

You can get the Shield of Shame as a dropped item from the following monsters:

Monsters that Drop Shield of Shame
Franticore Infanticore Manticore

Loot from Treasure Chest

You can obtain the Shield of Shame from treasure chests at the following locations:

Treasure Chest Locations
5th Treasures n' Trapdoors Board Mysterious Cave

All Regions and Maps

Shield of Shame Stats and Effects

Stats Overview

Shield of Shame Overview
Defense 60
Effect Cursed. Passes a portion of the damage received to the rest of the party.

Compatible Vocations

Hero Hero Warrior Warrior Martial Artist Martial Artist Mage Mage Priest Priest
Thief Thief Merchant Merchant Gadabout Gadabout Sage Sage Monster Wrangler Monster Wrangler

◯ - Can Equip | ✕ - Cannot Equip

All DQ3 Classes: List of Jobs and Vocations

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Related Guides

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake (DQ3) Shields
List of All Shields

List of All Shields

List of All Shields
Bronze Shield Dragon Shield Flame Shield Goddess Shield
Hero's Shield Ice Shield Iron Shield Leather Shield
Light Shield Magic Shield Mirror Shield Ogre Shield
Pot Lid Power Shield Scale Shield Shield of Shame
Silver Platter Silver Shield Tempest Shield


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