Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Paralogue: Black Market Scheme Walkthrough

This is the battle walkthrough for the DLC paralogue Black Market Scheme from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FETH, FE3H). Read on to find out about map features, what enemies you will encounter, and tips for winning!

Paralogue: Black Market Scheme - Overview

Black Market Scheme Map

Required Units Balthus, Hapi
Chapter Available 7
Available until 2/22
Victory Conditions
Rout the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Balthus or Hapi falls in battle.
# of Player Units 10
# of Enemies 20 + 2 + 2 + 11
Leicester Dicers Corps (Battalion)
Timotheos Magi Corps (Battalion)

Paralogue: Black Market Scheme - Map and Enemies

Black Market Scheme Initial Enemy Positions

Phase 1
A Thief (Mage) B Rogue (Brigand)
C Rogue (Mage) D Thief (Cavalier)
E Rogue (Archer) F Thief (Brigand)
G Thief (Armored Knight) H Rogue (Bishop)
I Rogue (Brawler) J Rogue (Archer)
I Rogue (Brawler) J Rogue (Archer)
K Rogue (Warlock) L Rogue (Warlock)
M Attendant (Warlock) N Dark Merchant (Sniper)
O Mercenary (Mercenary) - -
Phase 2 Phase 3

The following will come as reinforcements as you defeat more enemies.

Phase 2
Rogue (Brawler) - 2
Phase 3
A Rogue (Thief) B Rogue (Warlock)

Black Market Scheme Reinforcements 3
These enemies appear as a last wave.

Phase 4
A Rogue (Cavalier) B Mercenary (Mercenary)
C Dark Merchant (Bishop) D Thief (Brigand)
E Mercenary (Thief) - -

Enemy Stats

Baron Ochs

Level 15 HP 33 Movement -
Class Trickster
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
24 104 24
Attack Speed 15 Protection 13 Resilience 11
Avoidance 15 Range 1
Weapon Vajra-Mushti Dropped Item This enemy has no items.
Battalion Empire Knights Level 1
Endurance 60 Gambit Blaze Uses 1

Forlorn Beast

Level 15 HP 34 Movement -
Class Flying Demonic Beast
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
25 107 11
Attack Speed 17 Protection 8 Resilience 10
Avoidance 17 Range 1-2
Weapon Crest Stone (Chevalier) Dropped Item This enemy has no items.

Baron Ochs

Enemy data will be gathered soon.

Forlorn Beast

Enemy data will be gathered soon.

Paralogue: Black Market Scheme - Chests

There are 2 chests in this map, however they are no good because they have been already opened by thieves.

Paralogue: Black Market Scheme - Map Features

Tile Types

Tiles Description
River Navigable only by fliers
Rampart Navigable only by fliers
Edifice Navigable only by fliers
Stairs Difficult for cavalry to traverse
Thicket 20% Avo, 1 Prt to all non-fliers
Heal Tile+ 1 Prt, 1 Res, +30% HP each turn for non-fliers
Stronghold +30% Avo, 2 Prt, 2 Res, +30% HP each turn for non-fliers
Fire Orb 5 Mt, 15 Durability, 3-12 Range, can be used by magic classes
Ballista 5 Mt, 15 Durability, 3-12 Range, requires Bow Skill of D or higher
Onager 10 Mt, 15 Durability, 3-10 Range, cannot be used by mounted or magic units

Paralogue: Black Market Scheme - Tips and Tricks

Secure the Arms Early On

Using the Fire Orb
Taking control of the Fire Orb, Ballista, and Onager will be worth it in the later battle as reinforcements will keeping coming in different areas. You can also use them to deal damage to the commander from afar.

Use Them to Break the Beast's Barrier

The Forlorn Beast has an ability that raise Avoidance on certain weapons. You can first the Fire Orb, Ballista, and Onager, as well as magic attacks and gambit, to break its barrier and get it confused, then rush all your units to unleash attacks.

Take Care of the Reinforcements First

Before you rush out to defeat the commander, it is wise to defeat the surrounding enemies first, as well as the backups that will come, so you do not get outnumbered. The commander, as well as the 2 surrounding men will not move until you attack them first, so use that to your advantage.

Paralogue: Black Market Scheme - After the Battle

After the battle, Baron Ochs passes away as a monster, and it is revealed why he was after Vajra-Mushti. Balthus explains that the weapon is not a Hero's Relic per se, but a replica. However, it is Balthus' family heirloom, and so rather than putting his village in danger by bringing the weapon back, he entrusts it to you.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

Battle Walkthrough.png
Go back to the Paralogues Front Page
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