Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Does FE3H Have Pair Up? | What Are Adjutants?

This is a guide about the reworked Pair Up System called Adjutants in Fire Emblem Three Houses. Here we discuss the capabilities of adjutants, their abilities, the benefits of having adjutants, and how to maximize their effects.

What Are Adjutants?

Support Unit For Party Members

Adjutants are a new mechanic in Three Houses that replaces the traditional Pair Up System used since Awakening. Adjutants are characters assigned to aid the other characters that the adjutant is paired to.

How Adjutants Work

Adjutants perform several tasks, like performing follow up attacks, guarding your units, or even healing them. Take note that you can only start equipping adjutants once you reach professor level C.

Follow Up Attacks

Adjutants perform follow up attack when the main units attack the enemy. The chances of this happening increases based on the support level of the main unit and the adjutant.

This can also only occur when both the main unit and the adjutant's chosen weapon can hit the enemy within the same range. This means that assigning bow units that can only attack enemies from 2 tiles away can never perform follow up attacks for melee units.

Guarding Units

fe3h adjutant block
Defense Type Adjutants block the enemy follow up attack (for Brawl weapons, the Adjutant blocks the 3rd and 4th hit). The more support level the adjutant and the main unit share, the higher the damage that gets reduced is.

The blocked follow up damage also cannot kill the main unit. If the damage dealt is greater than the unit's HP, 1 HP will always remain.

Healing Units

Healer Type Adjutants will heal the main unit once the main unit's HP falls to a low threshold. This type of adjutant is best paired to units that are durable and have high damage output, like Felix or Ferdinand. This allows you to send them to cover a different part of the field as an elite unit that can tank, damage, and has a built-in sustain all in one.

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