Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Class Mastery Abilities

This page lists all the abilities that are learnable by mastering a class in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. See all the abilities that can be learned via class mastery and learn the best abilities available in the game.

List of Class Mastery Abilities

Class Mastery Abilities are abilities that can be learned by mastering a class. These abilities are powerful and provide great benefits to your units.

Ability Name Effect
Sacred Power Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage and take 3 less damage during combat.
Unarmed Combat Fight without a weapon.
  • Grappler
  • Brawler
  • War Monk
  • War Cleric
  • Steal Allows a unit to steal a non-weapon item from a foe with a lower Spd stat.
  • Thief
  • Vantage When foe initiates combat, unit still attacks first if HP is ≤ 50%.
  • Hero
  • Fiendish Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Mag +6 during combat.
  • Dark Bishop
  • Transmute If unit is hit with a magic attack during enemy phase, grants +3 to all stats until next player phase ends.
    Under Construction.
    HP +5 Increases HP by 5.
    Speed +2 Increases Spd by 2.
    Defense +2 Increases Def by 2.
    Strength +2 Increases Str by 2.
    Magic +2 Increases Mag by 2.
    Resistance +2 Increases Res by 2.
    Desperation If unit initiates combat with HP ≤ 50% unit's follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe's counterattack.
    Darting Blow If unit initiates combat, grants AS +6 during combat.
    Death Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Str +6 during combat.
    Armored Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Def +6 during combat.
    Hit +20 Increases Hit by 20.
    Poison Strike If unit initiates combat and lands a hit, targeted foe loses up to 20% of max HP after combat.
    Miracle Chance to survive lethal damage with 1 HP, if HP is >1. Trigger % = Lck stat.
    Special Dance When using the Dance ability, grant Dex/Spd/Lck +4 to target ally.
    Pomp & Circumstance Grants Lck/Cha +4.
    Defiant Strength Grants Str +8 when HP is ≤ 25%.
    Lethality Chance to instantly kill a foe when dealing damage. Trigger % = 0.25xDex.
    Aegis Chance to reduce bow/magic damage by half. Trigger % = Dex stat.
    Wrath If foe initiates combat while unit's HP is ≤ 50%, grants Crit +50.
    Pavise Chance to reduce sword/lance/axe/brawling damage by half. Trigger % = Dex stat.
    Seal Defense If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Def -6 for 1 turn after combat.
    Tomebreaker Grants Hit/Avo +20 when brawling against magic users.
    Bowbreaker Grants Hit/Avo +20 when using magic against bow users.
    Lifetaker Unit recovers HP equal to 50% of damage dealt after defeating a foe.
    Renewal Unit recovers up to 20% of max HP at the start of each turn.
    Warding Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Res +6 during combat.
    Defiant Avoid Grants Avo +30 when HP is ≤ 25%.
    Quick Riposte If foe initiates combat while unit's HP is ≥ 50%, unit makes guaranteed follow-up attack.
    Defiant Critical Grants Crit +50 when HP ≥ 25%.
    Defiant Defense Grants Def +8 when HP is ≥ 25%.
    Defiant Speed Grants Spd +8 when HP is ≥ 25%.
    Defiant Magic Grants Mag +8 when HP is ≥ 25%.
    Seal Resistance If unit damages foe during combat, foe suffers Res -6 for 1 turn after combat.
    Defiant Resistance Grants Res +8 when HP is ≥ 25%.
    Counterattack Allows unit to counterattack regardless of distance to attacker.
    Duelist's Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Avo +20 during combat.
    Brawl Avo +20 Grants Avo +20 when brawling.
    Uncanny Blow If unit initiates combat, grants Hit +30 during combat.

    There is also the ability Sword Avo +20, which can be learned by obtaining the Dancer Class by winning the White Heron Cup.

    FE3H Related Links

    List of Abilities

    Personal Abilities Class Abilities
    Skill Mastery Abilities Class Mastery Abilities


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