Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Best Characters to Recruit

This pages lists all the best characters to recruit during your playthrough of Fire Emblem Three Houses (FE3H). Read on to learn who are the must recruit units, as well as their recruitment requirements.

Best Characters to Recruit


FE3H Sylvain Character Portrait
Starting Faction
Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Recruitment Requirements
Strengths Lance, Axe, Riding
Weaknesses Bow

Sylvain is far from being the best character in the series. He has average stats, but he gets his relic weapon early on if you defeat his brother while he's in your team. So why is he one of the best characters to recruit?

Because you can recruit him anytime as long as you play as female Byleth . He's the easiest unit to get, and you also get rewarded if you do recruit him early on.


FE3H Lysithea Character Portrait
Starting Faction
Leicester Alliance
Recruitment Requirements
Strengths Reason, Faith, Authority
Weaknesses Sword, Lance, Axe, Heavy Armor

Lysithea is hands down, the best unit to get potential wise. Lysithea has an absurdly high magic stat, and she also learns dark magic naturally. She can defeat anyone that enters her range in a single turn.


FE3H Ashe Character Portrait
Starting Faction
Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Recruitment Requirements
Strengths Axe, Bow
Weaknesses Reason, Authority

Ashe is a unit that seems normal at first glance. However, his dex growth is so good that at the later stages of the game, almost all of his attacks will become critical hits. Partner this with a killer weapon and he becomes unstoppable. If you are looking for a bow unit, don't look past Ashe!


FE3H Mercedes Character Portrait
Starting Faction
Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Recruitment Requirements
Strengths Reason, Faith
Weaknesses Sword, Lance, Axe, Heavy Armor

Mercedes is the picture perfect identity of a healer. She learns fortify and all healing spells she casts also heals her for the same value. This means that you dont need to attack enemies with the Nosferatu spells or use items to recover your lone healer, and she instead sustains herself with her own healing spells, making her a one man army of a healer.


FE3H Felix Character Portrait
Starting Faction
Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Recruitment Requirements
Strengths Sword, Bow, Brawling
Weaknesses Reason, Authority

Felix is arguably the best swordsman out of all the units available to recruit. He does a lot of damage with his stat growth, plus his no-battalion passive. He also turns to an amazing Mortal Savant if you successfully teach him Reason.


FE3H Hilda Character Portrait
Starting Faction
Leicester Alliance
Recruitment Requirements
Strengths Lance, Axe
Weaknesses Faith, Authority

Hilda is the best flying unit to get out of all the characters (damage wise). She has an absurd amount of strength that you simply need to choose who to kill when playing her. She learns seal speed as a budding talent for Armor, so make sure to teach her this skill to maximize her potential.


FE3H Lorenz Character Portrait
Starting Faction
Leicester Alliance
Recruitment Requirements
Strengths Lance, Reason, Riding
Weaknesses Brawling

The best candidate for a Dark Knight to get Thyrsus. While his personality might not be the most appealing, the relic you obtain from his paralogue more than makes up for it. He is best recruited to get Thyrsus to further strengthen your other mage units.


FE3H Petra Character Portrait
Starting Faction
Adrestrian Empire
Recruitment Requirements
Strengths Sword, Axe, Bow, Flying
Weaknesses Reason, Faith

When you think of an assassin class, you immediately think of Petra. She sports the greatest synergy with the assassin class. Increasing her speed and giving her the lethality ability makes her the best unit to dispatch low health enemies on the battlefield.


FE3H Ferdinand Character Portrait
Starting Faction
Adrestrian Empire
Recruitment Requirements
Strengths Sword, Lance, Axe, Riding
Weaknesses None

I AM FERDINAND VON AEGIRRRRR. Aside from his noisy turn shout, Ferdinand is a great tank for your team. He has a high evasion rate with his passive and is partnered with a good defense stat.

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