Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Is There a Weapon Triangle?

Longtime fans of the Fire Emblem series will be familiar with the Weapon Triangle, a mechanic that grants weapon advantage and disadvantage. Has the weapon triangle been removed from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H), or has it just been changed? Read on to find out more!

What is the Weapon Triangle?

A Rock, Paper, Scissor System for Weapons

The Weapon Triangle is the weapon type advantage system of the Fire Emblem series. It's a system meant to make use of the different types of weapons to counter certain enemies in the game.

How Does the Weapon Triangle Work?

Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword

Much like Rock, Paper, Scissors, the Weapon Triangle is a triangular system that makes the sword more effective against axes, axes more effective against lances, and lances more effective against swords. Depending on the game, the bonus gained through the Weapon Triangle differs, but it typically provides increased damage or accuracy when attacking with a weapon with advantage.

While in some games, tomes have their own wapon advantage system, they are also often left out of the equation, which is also the case for bows and daggers.

Is the Weapon Triangle In FE3H?

Yes, but in a very different form

Axe Breaker
The Triangle Weapon, as it is normally known, has technically been removed from the game. However, there are several abilities in the game that allow weapon advantages to still exist in the game. These abilities come in the form of weapon breaker abilities that grants your units extra avoid and hit rate against the enemy you have an advantage against.

This means that weapons are no longer inherently advantageous against another type, but with the right abilities equipped, they will be more advantageous than using other types of weapons in the same scenario.

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