Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Paralogue: The Face Beneath Walkthrough

This is the battle walkthrough for the paralogue The Face Beneath from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FETH, FE3H). Read on to find out about map features, what enemies you will encounter, and tips for winning!

Paralogue: The Face Beneath - Overview

Required Units Mercedes and Caspar
Chapter Available 15
Available until 6/28
Victory Conditions
Rout all enemies except the Death Knight
Defeat Conditions
Mercedes or Caspar falls in battle.
# of Player Units 11
# of Enemies 26
A.) Church Soldiers
B.) Bergliez War Group
C.) Rafail Gem
D.) Scythe of Sariel (If Caspar Defeats the Death Knight)

Paralogue: The Face Beneath - Map and Enemies

Enemy Placement

The Face Beneath.jpg

A Imperial Soldier (Fortress Knight) B Imperial Soldier (Hero)
C Imperial Soldier (Dark Knight) D Imperial Soldier (Sniper)
E Imperial Soldier (Dark Bishop) F Imperial Soldier (Bishop)
G Imperial Soldier (Wild Demonic Beast) H Imperial Soldier (Giant Wolf)
I Death Knight J -

Death Knight

Enemy data will be gathered soon.

Level 32 HP 54 Movement -
Class Death Knight
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
49 141 45
Attack Speed 27 Protection 28 Resilience 22
Avoidance 57 Range 1
Weapon Scythe of Sariel Dropped Item Dark Seal
Battalion Reaper Knights Level 5
Endurance 75 Gambit Assault Troop Uses 2

Paralogue: The Face Beneath - Chests

umbral steel.jpg

Umbral Steel

An Umbral Steel can be obtained from the chest on the lower left most side of the map.

Paralogue: The Face Beneath - Map Features


Tiles Description
Forest 20% Avo, 1 Prt to all non-fliers
Cliff Navigable only by fliers
Altar Navigable only by fliers
Stairs Difficult for cavalry to travers
Heal Tile+ 1 Prt, 1 Res, +30% HP each turn for non-fliers

Paralogue: The Face Beneath - Tips and Tricks

Cheese Kill the Death Knight

FE3H Critical Strike
It is possible to attempt a cheese kill against the Death Knight. Equip Caspar with a weapon that has a high critical rate like a Killer Axe and attempt a combat art against him. A lucky critical hit will defeat the Death Knight in one hit (hopefully).

Rush To Caspar and Mercedes

Fe3H Giant WOlf
There will be a giant wolf that will continually harass Caspar and Mercedes. If they're weak enough, the Wolf can kill either of the two quickly. Use Stride gambits and Warp spells to be able to come to their aid as soon as possible.

Use the Death Knight's Stronghold

Killing the Death Knight and taking a stand on the stronghold will greatly increase the duo's survivability.

Defeat Death Knight Using Caspar

FE3H Scyhte of Sariel
Even if you were not able to cheese the Death Knight, attempt to kill him using Caspar. You will recieve the Scythe of Sariel, a powerful spear weapon after the battle if Caspar successfully defeats the knight.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

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Go back to the Paralogues Front Page
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Tales of the Red Canyon Oil and Water True Chivalry
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*DLC only


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