Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Part 1: White Clouds Walkthrough

This is a list of chapters in Part 1: White Clouds from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FETH, FE3H). Check out the links below to find out the best way to tackle each chapter!

White Clouds - List of Chapters

Prologue An Inevitable Encounter
Chapter 1 Three Houses
Chapter 2 Familiar Scenery
Chapter 3 Mutiny in the Mist
Chapter 4 The Goddess' Rite of Rebirth
Chapter 5 Tower of Black Winds
Chapter 6 Rumors of a Reaper
Chapter 7 Field of Eagle and Lion
Chapter 8 Flame in the Darkness
Chapter 9 The Cause of Sorrow
Chapter 10 Where the Goddess Dwells
Chapter 11 Throne of Knowledge
Chapter 12 To War
Chapter 12
(Black Eagles)
Outset of a Power Struggle

White Clouds Battle Walkthroughs

Part 1 - White Clouds Battle Walkthroughs

Part 1 Story Summary

Prologue: An Inevitable Encounter

FE3H Sothis
You dream of speaking to a girl on a throne, and she tells you it is almost time to begin. Upon waking up, you find three young students running from bandits, and you and your father Jeralt choose to aid them.

Prologue: An Inevitable Encounter Walkthrough

Chapter 1: Three Houses

FE3H Rhea.jpg
You're offered a teaching position in the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach managed by the Church of Seiros. You're given a house of students and you're tasked with commanding them through a mock battle against the other houses.

Chapter 1: Three Houses Walkthrough

Chapter 2: Familiar Scenery

FE3H Familiar Scenery
After the mock battle, you're given the task to lead your students on their first mission: hunting down the bandits that tried to kill you back then.

Chapter 2: Familiar Scenery Walkthrough

Chapter 3: Mutiny in the Mist

FE3H Mutiny in the Mist
This month, your mission is to surpress the rebellion of a discontent noble. Lord Lonato of Gaspard has taken up arms against the church and you tag along with the legendary warrior Thunder Catherine to put down this insurrection.

Chapter 3: Mutiny in the Mist Walkthrough

Chapter 4: The Goddess' Rite of Rebith

FE3H Goddess Rite of Rebirth
A note found on Lonato talks of an assassination plot against Rhea this month, but your house leader suspects this is a ruse. After a short investigation, you deduce their true target, and you accordingly set up an ambush and wait for them.

Chapter 4: The Goddess' Rite of Rebirth Walkthrough

Chapter 5: Tower of Black Winds

FE3H Tower of Black Winds
The elder son of House Gautier, Miklan, has taken their family's Hero's Relic and the family has asked for the Church's aid. You and your students go and retrieve the weapon, as well as witness the power of a relic gone wrong.

Chapter 5: Tower of Black Winds Walkthrough

Chapter 6: Rumors of a Reaper

FE3H Rumors of a Reaper
Flayn disappears for the month, and everyone is a suspect. There has been talk of a man in a skull mask lurking around at night. The two may be connected, and the search for Flayn begins.

Chapter 6: Rumors of a Reaper Walkthrough

Chapter 7: Field of the Eagle and Lion

FE3H Field of the Eagle and Lion.jpg
To show how far the students have come, the monastery holds a grand battle between the three houses. You must lead your house to victory in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.

Chapter 7: Field of the Eagle and Lion Walkthrough

Chapter 8: The Flame in the Darkness

FE3H Flame in the Darkness
A plague has ravaged the village of Remire, and you're sent with your father Jeralt and your students to investigate what illness has taken hold of the people. This quickly goes south as the true effects of this sickness are revealed.

Chapter 8: The Flame in the Darkness Walkthrough

Chapter 9: The Cause of Sorrow

FE3H The Cause of Sorrow
Garreg Mach holds a ball, while in the background, unsettling reports of an unused chapel being the stage for nefarious purposes. Your students and you go with Jeralt to investigate.

Chapter 9: The Cause of Sorrow Walkthrough

Chapter 10: Where the Goddess Dwells

FE3H Where the Goddess Dwells
After the last month, you seek revenge. The Knights of Seiros are out searching for the assailant when they reveal themselves to be nearby. It may be a trap but you and your students go anyway to avenge Jeralt and you get imbued with new powers in the darkest moments.

Chapter 10: Where the Goddess Dwells Walkthrough

Chapter 11: Throne of Knowledge

FE3H Throne of Knowledge
Because of your new transformation, Rhea has resolved to take you to the Holy Tomb and awaken the power of the Goddess inside you. However, the process doesn't go so smoothly as the Flame Emperor and the Imperial army show up.

Chapter 11: Throne of Knowledge Walkthrough

Chapter 12: To War

FE3H To War
The Imperial army approaches, and your students prepare for war. Rhea entrusts the church to you, should something happen to her, and something does happen.
Chapter 12: To War Walkthrough

Chapter 12: Outset of a Power Struggle (Black Eagles Only)

After escaping the Holy Tomb, you, Edelgard, and the rest of the Black Eagle students rally up in an Imperial encampment close to the monastery. You prepare to lead a siege into the Garreg Mach and take the place by storm.

Chapter 12: Outset of a Power Struggle (Edelgarde Route) Walkthrough

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

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Story Walkthrough Front Page
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