Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Fishing Guide

This is a guide to fishing in Fire Emblem Three Houses (FE3H). This guide will explain how to fish, what to do with fish you catch, fishing tournaments, as well as bait types and rare fish.

What is Fishing?

An Event in Exploration Mode

Fishing is one of the main activities you can do while exploring the monastery. Similar to gardening, fishing doesn't consume any activity points so make sure to go all out when fishing.

Benefits of Fishing

Gain Professor Experience

FE3H Professor EXP
Professor Experience is extremely valuable and scarce. By gaining professor levels, you can do more activities while in the monastery. By fishing, you literally gain free EXP.

Professor Level Guide | How to Raise Professor Level

Complete Quests

There are quests that require you to fish. By fishing, you can complete these quests and recieve generous rewards.

What to do with fish

You obtain fish by fishing, and those fish can be used as ingredients when cooking. These dishes provide stat bonuses, and cooking a great way to get a little bit of edge over your opponents during battles.

How to Fish

Head to the Fishing Pond

You must first head to the lake and initiate fishing by talking to the man that manages the pond.

Prepare your Bait

You must first choose your bait before starting the mini-game. The bait you choose greatly affects the kind of fish you can get while fishing. It is greatly recommended to save high grade fishing baits for rare events.

Where to Get Bait

Time Your Hook

There will be a colored fish icon below the line when you start fishing. This indicates that a fish has bitten the hook. Tap the Confirm button to initiate the next step. Also note that the color of the fish indicates the rarity of the fish that bit, and you will have three tries to hook the fish that bites. If you fail to hook the 3rd fish, the bait is lost permanently.

Rare Fish

There are 5 types of fish, indicated by their color when fishing. These are Dark Blue, Light Blue, Red, Yellow, Violet, and Rainbow in order of rarity respectively, with Rainbow Fish being most rare.

Time Your Reels

FE3H Perfect Reels
A circle outline will appear once you finally start reeling a fish. Make sure to time your input when the circle is perfectly aligned with the circle outline on the screen. Hitting the timing perfectly will reduce the stamina of the fish, while hitting it wrongly will reduce Byleth's stamina.

Fishing Tournaments

Golden Fish Chances of catching golden rarity fish increases.
Fish of Mystery Chance to find a rainbow rarity fish.
Fistful of Fish Catch multiple fish with one bait.
Lots of Large Fish Chances of catching larger fish increases.

Fire Emblem Three Houses Related Links

Free Time Guide

Free Time and Side Quests.png
List of Guides
Lost Items Guide White Heron Cup Guide
Fishing Guide Gardening Guide
Best Use of Free Time Best Use of Activity Points
How to Raise Professor Level Support and Romance Guide
Where to Get Tea Tea Time Guide
Gift Giving Guide Where to Get Bait
Should You Do Side Quests? Advice Box Answers


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