Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Paralogue: War for the Weak Walkthrough

This is the battle walkthrough for the paralogue War for the Weak from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FETH, FE3H). Read on to find out about map features, what enemies you will encounter, and tips for winning!

Paralogue: War for the Weak - Overview

War of the Weak map

Required Units Dedue (Blue Lions Route Only)
Chapter Available 6
Available until 2/22
Victory Conditions
Defeat the enemy commander.
Defeat Conditions
Dedue falls in battle, ally units defeat the enemy commander, or 15 turns have passed.
# of Player Units 8
# of Enemies 33
# of Ally Units 7
Duscur Heavy Soldiers (Battalion)
Duscur's Favor

Paralogue: War for the Weak - Map and Enemies

Enemy Placements - Hard

War of the weak hard enemy placement

A Duscur Soldier (Armored Knight) B Duscur Soldier (Brigand)
C Duscur Soldier (Brawler) D Duscur Soldier (Mage)
E Duscur Soldier (Archer) F Duscur Soldier (Mercenary)
G Duscur Soldier (Cavalier) H Duscur Soldier (Thief)
I Duscur General - -

Duscur General

Level 14 HP 40 Movement -
Class Warrior
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
39 90 21
Attack Speed 7 Protection 15 Resilience 7
Avoidance 20 Range 1
Weapon Steel Axe Dropped Item This enemy has no items.
Battalion Duscur Infantry Level 2
Endurance 30 Gambit Disturbance Uses 2

Paralogue: War for the Weak - Chests

No Chests

There are no obtainable items from chests in this battle.

Paralogue: War for the Weak - Map Features


Tiles Description
Forest 20% Avo, 1 Prt to all non-fliers
Cliff Navigable only by fliers
Stairs Difficult for cavalry to travers
Heal Tile+ 1 Prt, 1 Res, +30% HP each turn for non-fliers

Target Race

This battle offers a unique defeat condition where you lose the battle if your allied units defeat the enemy commander. Move fast and defeat the enemy yourself!

Paralogue: War for the Weak - Tips and Tricks

Focus Units to the South

It is a must to clear the battle swiftly. However, defeating many opponents will also yield greater rewards at the end of the battle. Focus the majority of your units to the south but leave some units to the north to defeat the enemies situated there before your allied forces.

Do not Confront the General Head On

The Duscur General has a massive attack damage that can potentially knock out your units in one attack. Make sure to use battalions or ranged attacks against the general to achieve your victory.

Paralogue: War for the Weak - After the Battle

Duscur's Favor

Dedue will die post time skip if this paralogue is not completed. It is vital that the player completes this paralogue if you want to save Dedue. This is also the only paralogue battle that decides a unit's fate.

No Spoiler Explanation

An event will change at a latter part of the game.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

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Go back to the Paralogues Front Page
War for the Weak The Forgotten Land of the Golden Deer
Rumored Nuptials Sword and Shield of Seiros Black Market Scheme*
Tales of the Red Canyon Oil and Water True Chivalry
Death Toll A Cursed Relic* An Ocean View
Falling Short of Heaven The Secret Merchant* Dividing the World
Weathervanes of Fodlan Foreign Land and Sky The Face Beneath
Legend of the Lake Darkness Beneath the Earth Forgotten Hero
Insurmountable Eternal Guardian Retribution
The Sleeping Sand Legend The Silver Maiden -

*DLC only


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