Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Paralogue: Death Toll Walkthrough

This is the battle walkthrough for the paralogue Death Toll from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FETH, FE3H). Read on to find out about map features, what enemies you will encounter, and tips for winning!

Paralogue: Death Toll - Overview

Required Units Raphael or Ignatz
Chapter Available 8
Available until 2/22
Victory Conditions
Defeat the Enemy Commander
Defeat Conditions
Raphael or Ignatz falls in battle.
# of Player Units 11
# of Enemies 20 (Normal)
27 (Hard)
# of Ally Units 5
Leicester Mercenaries
Victor Private Military

Paralogue: Death Toll - Map and Enemies

Enemy Placements

FE3H Death Toll hard enemy placements

A Alliance Soldier (Brawler) B Alliance Soldier (Brigand)
C Alliance Soldier (Mage) D Alliance Soldier (Dark Bishop)
E Alliance Soldier (Monk) F Alliance Soldier (Archer)
G Alliance Soldier (Mercenary) H Alliance Soldier (Cavalier)
I Alliance Soldier (Fighter) J Alliance Soldier (Armored Knight)
K Giant Wolf L Alliance General

Giant Wolf

Level 15 HP 36(x2) Movement 6
Class Giant Wolf
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
25 94 14
Attack Speed 12 Protection 6 Resilience 4
Avoidance 12 Range 1-2
Weapon Dark Stone (Wolf) Dropped Item This enemy has no items.

Alliance General

Level 17 HP 36 Movement -
Class Paladin
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
38 97 12
Attack Speed 6 Protection 19 Resilience 11
Avoidance 21 Range 1
Weapon Steel Lance Dropped Item This enemy has no items.
Battalion Alliance Knights Level 3
Endurance 60 Gambit Blaze Uses 1

Giant Wolf

Level 16 HP 45 Movement 6
Class Giant Wolf
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
28 96 17
Attack Speed 15 Protection 3 Resilience 6
Avoidance 15 Range 1-2
Weapon Dark Stone(Wolf) Dropped Item This enemy has no items.

Alliance General

Level 28 HP 39 Movement -
Class Paladin
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
38 97 12
Attack Speed 6 Protection 21 Resilience 11
Avoidance 21 Range 1
Weapon Steel Lance Dropped Item This enemy has no items.
Battalion Alliance Knights Level 3
Endurance 60 Gambit Blaze Uses 1

Paralogue: Death Toll - Chests

There are no chests in this map.

Paralogue: Death Toll - Map Features


Tiles Description
Forest 20% Avo, 1 Prt to all non-fliers
Stairs Difficult for cavalry to travers
Wall Terrain only navigable by fliers.
River Terrain only navigable by fliers.
Heal Tile+ 1 Prt, 1 Res, +30% HP each turn for non-fliers

Openable Bridges

The hoisted bridges can be interacted with to lower them. Lowering the bridge can make a previously untraversable path to become accessible.

Paralogue: Death Toll - Tips and Tricks

Open the Bridge

FE3H Hoisted Bridge
A Giant Wolf will appear on the lower right side of the map and head straight for the merchants. Hastily open the bridge by rushing southward to give a safe path for the merchants.

Act Quickly!

If the bridge is not opened. The merchants will take the northern bridge and get slaughtered by the enemies. Make sure your units on the left side of the map act quickly.

Warp to the General

FE3H Assassinating enemy general
If you have a mage with Warp, place them on the eastern starting position along with one of your stronger units. You can warp your unit into the fort by turn two and have them defeat the general.

Saving All Merchants

Warping to the General is a good strategy but you will miss out on massive amounts of Experience points. To save all the merchants without clearing the level, Have 2 unit with Stride gambit on opposite sides of your army.

1.) Stride Your Way to the Bridge

Make sure all your units from the left side of the map can reach the bridge by turn 2.

2.) Stride Your Way to the Wolf

On the right side of the map, use Stride to reach the wolf and distract it with a gambit. This will prevent it from reaching one of the merchants before they enter the newly opened bridge.

Rewards for Saving Merchants

If you manage to save all the merchants, you get the following rewards: Extra Large Bullion, Short Axe, Short Spear, Killer Bow.

Paralogue: Death Toll - After the Battle

No Support Boosts

The merchants thank you, and you discuss the last words you hear from the Alliance General before he leaves.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

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