Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Lecture Guide | How to Instruct

Learn all about instructing your students in Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about student goals, group tasks, lecture questions, and training your students to be the best they can be!

What are Lessons?

Instruction and Training Every Monday

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Each Monday of the month, you will hold a lecture for your students in a classroom. By instructing, you can focus on increasing your units' skill levels, and they can learn new abilities and combat arts.

The number of people you can teach each session depends on your activity points.

We Recommend Instructing Manually

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You can choose to instruct manually, letting you choose which students and which skills to train, as well set goals and assign group tasks. Alternatively, you can also choose to instruct automatically to automatically train your students based on their motivation levels and goals, however we do not recommend going for that if you want to focus on training your current party.

Instruction Guide

Select a Unit to Instruct

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Select a unit to teach and train their skills. You can teach multiple students depending on the activity points you have.

Do Not Neglect Motivation

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The number of times you can teach a student is dictated by their motivation level. They cannot be taught if they have no motivation at all, so keep that in mind. There are many activities such as giving them gifts, or sharing a meal with them, to increase their motivation as well as deepen your bonds with them.

Choose a Skill to Train

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Next, choose a skill to train. Go for the ones on their skill goals to focus on changing classes.

Students will do better if a skill is their strength. You can also gain stat boosts from Saint Statues once you've unlocked them by completing the Tending to the Saints quest on Chapter 5: Tower of Black Winds.

Budding Talents

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When a 3-star mark can be seen next to a unit skill, it means a budding talent can be unlocked after instructing on that skill more. A character weak on that skill may become proficient in it once unlocking their budding talent. Once you reach 3 stars, that unit will excel more in that skill and may learn a new ability or combat art.

Passing and Failing

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When a student does perfectly, they gain 2x EXP more than usual and their motivation level fills up, which means they can go for 1 more round of training. You can praise them to also increase support level.

Students can also fail on a skill that they are not good at. You can either choose to critique or console them. Choose correctly depending on the character to increase their motivation by +25.

Auto-Instruct Feature

This will take up all your activity points to teach students with high motivation. We do not recommend doing this as it does not target your specified units.

Group Tasks

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Group tasks are tasks that are done by 2 units each week. They will continue to do this every lesson until you change the assigned units.

The outcome of the task depends if the task-related skill coincides with their strength, and the rapport between the two selected units.

This will increase their skill level, as well as support between the two. You can also receive money and resources depending on the outcome.

Group Task Skill
Stable Duty Riding
Weeding Heavy Armor
Sky Watch Flying

Setting Goals

Change Goals Based on Target Class

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You are free to change units' skill goals, but it is best to consider their strengths and interests. Make sure to plan ahead on what classes you are getting for your units. Of course, you are always free to try something new.

Best Classes for Each Character

Suggesting Goals

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During lectures, your students may approach you suggesting a goal change for them. When you progress more into the game, they will be suggesting goals that focus on a certain class. It is up to you whether you want to change them or not, but they will also be accessible in the Goals tab.

Beginning Lecture

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Once you begin lecture, students will earn skill experience at the end of the week depending on the set goals. In a summary page, you will see how much they've grown, as well as new abilities and combat arts, if they have learned any.

Lecture Questions

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After the first week of instruction each month, a student will approach you with a question. Answering their question may increase their motivation by +25 or +50, or not at all if they are not satisfied with your answer. Make sure you get to know each of your students so you know the best answer to say.

Certification Exams

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Each month, you and your units can take a certification exam to advance to a new class. Getting to a new class gives you increased stats and well as skill growth rates.

Check to see if your units match the required skill levels for a certain class before heading on!

Class Tier List

How to Unlock the Instruction Feature

The Instruction feature is unlocked in Chapter 2: Familiar Scenery. There are no prequisities to unlock this, but it is required to do every week.

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