Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

What Carries Over To New Game Plus?

This is a guide to the New Game+ Mode in Fire Emblem: Three House (FE3H). Read on to learn what FE3H's New Game+ is, what are the new features, what is carried over in New Game+, and why you should use it!

What is New Game Plus?

New Game+ is an option available to you after completing the story of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It allows you to play the game with options that reduce grinding by giving you back your upgrades and levels from the last save.

How to Start New Game Plus

Start A New Game, Select The Option

When you start a New Game with a finished save slot, it will prompt you to start a New Game+ save. You can opt out by answering No if you want to start from scratch.

Load a Cleared-Save Data Slot

You will get a save file that says Cleared-Save Data. When you try to load it using the Continue option from the main menu, it will ask if you want to start a New Game+ save.

New Game Plus Features

Buying things using renown

You can regain previous levels on various aspects by using Renown. To learn how to get renown, check out our guide on Renown down below.
What is Renown?

Professor Level

FE3H Professor Level New Game+
You can spend renown to regain professor levels. You can only regain up to the max professor level you had in your previous game. Having this early allows you to maximize the usage of facilities in early game.

Support Level

FE3H Support Level New Game+
You can spend renown to regain your character's support level with other characters. This applies to everyone in Garreg Mach, meaning you can upgrade your support rank with students from different houses. This is useful, especially if they're from a different house than the one you're currently playing as and you want to recruit them.

Note that you can only regain up to the support level you had with them in your previous game, and there is no way to be able to use renown to increase one character's support level with another. This means that support amongst students does not carry over.

Skill Level

FE3H Skill Level New Game+

You can spend renown to level up any character's skill level up to the level they had in the previous game. This is particularly useful for multiclassing units in new games. Ever wanted to have your Felix to be a Mortal Savant, but only focused on his sword skill last game? Increase his sword skill with renown and focus on increasing his reason!

Class Mastery

FE3H Class Mastery New Game+
If one of your units mastered a class in a previous game, you can spend renown to let them regain that mastery, along with the corresponding skills. Do note, however, that this does not unlock this class for use. It only means that they are max level at the class whenever they do get around to equipping it.

Crest Items

You can get items unique to New Game+ at the cost of renown. These include Crest Items, which give whoever equips them the corresponding crest.

Aspects Carried Over To New Game Plus

Some parts of your old game get transferred to your New Game+ as they are.

Saint Statue Upgrades

Any upgrades from Saint Statues from the original save remain in New Game+, meaning you start with whatever experience bonus, skill learning bonus, or additional Divine Pulse charges that you had from statues last game.


You keep all of your battalions at the same level they were at in your original saved game.

New Hair for House Leaders

New Game+ gives your House Leaders a secondary option for hair in the customization menu.

War Outfits in Part 1

If you want, you can set your students' outfits to be their post-timeskip look, having them go to their classes looking like grizzled war veterans in New Game+. You can set this where you set their usual outfits in the customization menu.

Replay Value

The following aspects of New Game+ contribute to FE3H's replayability.

Easier Recruitment

Are you interested in seeing the story from the Blue Lion's point of view, but can't bear to go against Bernadetta because you loved her in your original playthrough? Just buy her support to B and recruit her! You can also use this to see your favorite character's different supports with other people who were outside your faction.

Experiment With Builds

Ever been curious what would happen if you made your character a Faith-based character, or you want to make Dedue a grappler instead of a fortress knight, or you want to make Bernadetta a bow knight instead of a simple sniper? You can up their skills so that you only have to focus on one or two others to get them to the class you want, allowing for a ton of reclass options.

Less Grinding

If you already have a high professor level, with additional experience gain from statues, it removes a lot of the grind needed to be effective, and allows you to play the game how you want from the start.

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