Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Paralogue: Weathervanes of Fodlan Walkthrough

This is the battle walkthrough for the paralogue Weathervanes of Fodlan from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FETH, FE3H). Read on to find out about map features, what enemies you will encounter, and tips for winning!

Paralogue: Weathervanes of Fodlan - Overview

Required Units Annete and Gilbert
Chapter Available 15
Available until 5/24
Victory Conditions
Defeat the enemy commander.
Defeat Conditions
Anette or Gilbert falls in battle.
# of Player Units 11
# of Enemies 39 (Hard)
A.) Crusher Relic
B.) School of Sorcery Soldiers

Paralogue: Weathervanes of Fodlan - Map and Enemies

Enemy Placement

fe3h paralogue weathervanes of fodlan.jpg

A Kingdom Soldier (Sword Master) B Kingdom Soldier (Hero)
C Kingdom Soldier (Assassin) D Kingdom Soldier (Warrior)
E Kingdom Soldier (Warlock) F Kingdom Soldier (Sniper)
G Kingdom Soldier (Fortress Knight) H Kingdom Soldier (Pegasus Knight)
I Kingdom Soldier (Bishop) J Baron Dominic

Enemy data will be gathered soon.

Baron Dominic

Level 30 HP 55 Movement -
Class Paladin
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
47 116 22
Attack Speed 15 Protection 32 Resilience 13
Avoidance 15 Range 1
Weapon Silver Lance Dropped Item This enemy has no items.
Battalion Kingdom Heavy Soldiers Level 5
Endurance 90 Gambit Group Lance Attack Uses 2



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A spear can be obtained from the sword master located on the northeastern stronghold.

Paralogue: Weathervanes of Fodlan - Chests

No Chests

There are no chests obtainable in this battle.

Paralogue: Weathervanes of Fodlan - Map Features


Tiles Description
Thicket 20% Avo, 1 Prt to all non-fliers
Rampart Navigable only by fliers
Channel Navigable only by fliers
Stronghold 2 Prt, 2 Res, +30% HP each turn for non-fliers


fortress knights.jpg
The four Fortress knights surrounding Annette and Gilbert will not attack as long as they both stay still or Byleth's army heads deeper into battle.

Paralogue: Weathervanes of Fodlan - Tips and Tricks

Do Not Move Annette and Gilbert

The Fortress Knights carry Tomahawks that can attack a unit from 2 ranges away. This makes Annette vulnerable even with her magic and initiating the combat with 4 against 2 will not end favorably for you.

Head Straight to Gilbert and Annette

Heading to the northern side of the battlefield will cause the fortress knights to attack the father and daughter duo. Head straight to them first to rescue them before tackling Baron Dominic.

How to Get Spear

Push the Swordmaster away from the Stronghold with a battalion to reduce his evasion. Another option is to send in a magic user but they can fall prey to the enemy's spears.

Paralogue: Weathervanes of Fodlan - After the Battle

No Support Boosts

There are no support boosts after the battle.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

Battle Walkthrough.png
Go back to the Paralogues Front Page
War for the Weak The Forgotten Land of the Golden Deer
Rumored Nuptials Sword and Shield of Seiros Black Market Scheme*
Tales of the Red Canyon Oil and Water True Chivalry
Death Toll A Cursed Relic* An Ocean View
Falling Short of Heaven The Secret Merchant* Dividing the World
Weathervanes of Fodlan Foreign Land and Sky The Face Beneath
Legend of the Lake Darkness Beneath the Earth Forgotten Hero
Insurmountable Eternal Guardian Retribution
The Sleeping Sand Legend The Silver Maiden -

*DLC only


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