Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

List of Combat Arts

Combat Arts.png
This page lists all Combat Arts found in Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H). Read on to find out their effects and how to learn them!

List of Combat Arts

Learnable Arts (Sword)

Art Skill Requirement Durability Might Hit Avoid Crit Range
Wrath Strike D -3 5 10 - - 1
Effect : A powerful sword attack.
Grounder C -4 3 20 - 5 1
Effect : An attack that is effective against fliers.
Bane of Monsters C+ -4 6 - - 10 1
Effect : An attack that is effective against monsters.
Haze Slice C+ -5 2 - 30 - 1
Effect : An attack that makes it easy to dodge counterattacks.
Hexblade C+/ A -3 7 10 - - 1
Effect : A magic attack.
Sunder C+ -3 4 - - 15 1
Effect : A sword attack with high Crit.
Soulblade C+ -4 2 10 - - 1
Effect : A magic attack. Mt increases based on unit's Res.
Windsweep C+/ A -5 3 20 - 10 1
Effect : Enemies cannot counter.
Finesse Blade A -4 2 - 10 - 1
Effect : This attack's Mt increases based on unit's Dex.

Learnable Arts (Axe)

Art Skill Requirement Durability Might Hit Avoid Crit Range
Smash D -5 3 20 - 20 1
Effect : An axe attack with high Crit.
Helm Splitter C -5 7 - - 5 1
Effect : An attack that is effective against armored units.
Monster Breaker C+ -5 9 - - - 1
Effect : An attack that is effective against monsters.
Focused Strike C+ -3 - 30 - - 1
Effect : An attack that focuses spirit to raise Hit.
Wild Abandon C+ -5 10 -30 - 30 1
Effect : A powerful attack that focuses on Mt over Hit.
Lightning Axe C+/ A -3 4 - - - 1
Effect : A magic attack. Mt increases based on unit's Res.
Spike C+ -5 5 15 - 10 1
Effect : A powerful axe attack.
Diamond Axe A -7 14 -20 - - 1
Effect : A powerful attack that greatly increases Mt.
Armored Strike A -3 4 - - - 1
Effect : This attack's Mt increases based on unit's Def.
Exhaustive Strike A -1 3 10 - - 1
Effect : An attack that consumes all remaining durability and adds 30% of it to Mt.

Learnable Arts (Lance)

Art Skill Requirement Durability Might Hit Avoid Crit Range
Tempest Lance D -5 8 10 - - 1
Effect : A powerful lance attack.
Knightkneeler C -4 5 15 - - 1
Effect : An attack that is effectice against cavalry units.
Shatter Slash C+ -3 4 10 - - 1
Effect : Enemies hit by this attack suffer -5 Def for 1 turn.
Vengeance C+ -4 2 - - 10 1
Effect : An attack that increases in Mt based on unit's missing HP.
Monster Piercer C+ -4 7 - - - 1
Effect : An attack that is effective against monsters.
Hit and Run C+ -4 4 10 20 - 1
Effect : After combat, your unit moves back 1 space.
Frozen Lance C+/ A -4 3 5 - - 1
Effect : A magic attack. Mt increases based on unit's Dex.
Swift Strikes A -4 2 - - - 1
Effect : An attack that strikes twice.
Glowing Ember A -4 2 - 10 - 1
Effect : Mt increases based on unit's Def.
Lance Jab A -5 3 - - 10 1
Effect : This attack's Mt increases based on unit's Spd.

Learnable Arts (Brawl)

Art Skill Requirement Durability Might Hit Avoid Crit Range
Fading Blow D -3 6 10 30 - 1
Effect : After attacking, your unit moves back 1 space.
Rushing Blow C -3 7 20 10 - 1
Effect : After attacking, your unit moves 1 space past the enemy.
Draining Blow C+/ A -3 5 20 - - 1
Effect : The attacking unit recovers HP equal to 50% of damage dealt.
Bombard C+/ A -3 3 - - 10 1
Effect : An attack with high Crit that strikes twice.
One-Two Punch C+ -4 8 20 - - 1
Effect : An attack that is guaranteed to follow up.
Nimble Combo C+ -3 4 - 20 - 1
Effect : An attack that strikes twice and makes it easier to dodge counterattacks.
Monster Crusher C+ -4 13 10 - 10 1
Effect : An attack that is effective against monsters.
Mystic Blow A -3 10 10 - - 1
Effect : A magic attack.
Mighty Blow A -3 10 -5 - 20 1
Effect : A powerful gauntlet attack.
Healing Focus B - - - - - -
Effect : Unit recovers 50% of its HP.

Learnable Arts (Bow)

Art Skill Requirement Durability Might Hit Avoid Crit Range
Curved Shot D -3 1 30 - - 2-3
Effect : A bow attack with high Hit.
Heavy Draw C+ -5 8 10 - - 2
Effect : A powerful bow attack.
Deadeye C+ -5 6 - - - 3-5
Effect : A bow attack with a long range.
Waning Shot C+/ A -3 4 10 - - 2-3
Effect : Enemies hit by this attack suffer -5 Str for 1 turn.
Monster Blast C+ -4 5 - - 10 2
Effect : An attack that is effective against monsters.
Break Shot C+ -3 4 5 - - 2-3
Effect : Enemies hit by this attack suffer -5 Def for 1 turn.
Schism Shot C+/ A -3 4 15 - - 2-3
Effect : Enemies hit by this attack suffer -5 Res for 1 turn.
Point-Blank Volley C+/ A -4 3 10 10 - 1
Effect : A bow attack that strikes quickly at close range. Attacks twice at Range 1.
Encloser A -3 4 15 - - 2
Effect : A bow attack that prevents the enemy from moving.
Ward Arrow A -3 4 15 - - 2
Effect : A bow attack that prevents the enemy from using magic.

Utility Arts

Art Skill Requirement Durability Might Hit Avoid Crit Range
Smite B in Heavy Armor - - - - - -
Effect : Pushes an adjacent ally 2 spaces away.
Swap Mastering the Myrmidon class. - - - - - 1
Effect : Unit swaps positions with an adjacent ally.
Shove Mastering the Fighter class. - - - - - 1
Effect : Unit pushes an adjacent ally forward one space.
Reposition Mastering the Soldier class. - - - - - 1
Effect : Unit moves an adjacent ally to an opposite adjacent space.
Draw Back Mastering the Monkclass. - - - - - 1
Effect : Unit moves one space away from an adjacent ally and pulls the ally along.

Miscellaneous Arts

Art Skill Requirement Durability Might Hit Avoid Crit Range
Triangle Attack Mastering the Pegasus Knight class. -3 8 30 - 40 1
Effect : Can be activated only when 3 allied fliers, including this unit, are adjacent to an enemy.
Sword Dance Winning the White Heron Cup. -2 1 - 20 - 1
Effect : An attack that makes dodging counterattacks easier. Mt increases based on unit's Cha.

Relic Arts

Art Exclusive to? Durability Might Hit Avoid Crit Range
Ruptured Heaven Sword of the Creator -3 7 10 - 10 1-2
Effect : Mt increases based on unit's Mag. Effective against dragons.
Sublime Heaven Sublime Creator Sword -3 10 10 - 20 1-2
Effect : Mt increases based on unit's Mag. Effective against dragons.
Foudroyant Strike Thunderbrand -3 10 30 30 - 1
Effect : Effective against armored units and dragons.
Raging Storm Aymr -3 6 10 - - 1
Effect : If the attack hits, unit can move again. Effective against dragons.
Atrocity Areadbhar -3 14 20 - - 1
Effect : Effective against all enemies.
Fallen Star Failnaught -3 15 30 10 - 2-3
Effect : Avoid enemy attacks in the next combat. Effective against dragons.
Ruined Sky Lance of Ruin -3 10 10 10 10 1
Effect : Effective against fliers and dragons.
Burning Quake Lúin -3 13 - 20 10 1
Effect : Mt increases based on unit's Spd. Effective against cavalry units and dragons.
Dust Crusher -3 20 - - - 1
Effect : Enemies hit suffer -5 Def for 1 turn. Effective against dragons.
Apocalyptic Flame Freikugel -3 15 20 - - 1
Effect : Enemies hit suffer -5 Str for 1 turn. Effective against dragons.
Beast Fang Blutgang -3 10 - 30 - 1
Effect : Effective against cavalry units and dragons.
Eviscerate Vajra-Mushti -3 10 10 - 10 1
Effect : Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Class Exclusive Arts

Art Exclusive to? Durability Might Hit Avoid Crit Range
Flickering Flower Emperor -3 10 10 10 - 1
Effect : An attack that seals the enemy's movement.
Paraselene Great Lord -3 10 - - 10 1
Effect : After attacking, your unit moves back one space.
Wind God Barbarossa -3 5 20 - - 2-5
Effect : A bow attack with exceptional range.
Assassinate Assassin -5 - 15 - 15 1
Effect : An attack that can kill enemies instantly.
Astra Swordmaster -9 - -10 - - 1
Effect : An attack that strikes 5 times at 30% Mt.
War Master's Strike War Master -5 3 30 - - 1
Effect : An attack with high Hit that is effective against all enemies.
Hunter's Volley Sniper -5 1 15 10 - 2-3
Effect : An attack that strikes twice.
Fierce Iron Fist Grappler -5 1 - 10 - 1
Effect : An attack that strikes 3 times.
Foul Play Trickster - - - - - 1-5
Effect : Unit swaps positions with an ally in range.
Pneuma Gale War Monk or War Cleric -3 7 10 - - 1-2
Effect : Magic attack. Can attack from long range.

What Are Combat Arts?

Special Moves with Special Effects

Combat Arts are special abilities that can be learned by characters in the game. Their effects range from dealing more damage to debuffing enemies. Take note that combat arts consume more weapon durability than normal attacks, so use them with caution.

Combat Arts Tier List

Which Combat Arts should you equip your units with? See our tier list and get an idea of which Combat Arts are must-haves on your party!

Combat Arts Tier List

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

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