Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Flayn Tea Time Guide: Conversation Topics and Best Teas

Flayn Tea Time
This is a guide to Flayn's Tea Time in Fire Emblem Three Houses (FE3H). Read on to learn Flayn's favorite tea, liked topics, and which replies to choose for Flayn's conversation topics.

Flayn's Favorite Teas

Flayn's Favorite Teas
Leicester Cortania Hresvelg Blend Crescent-Moon Tea
Almond Blend Sweet-Apple Blend

Flayn's Liked Topics

Potential Topics
A dinner invitation A word of advice Books you've read recently Cats Children at the market
Close calls Cooking mishaps Cute monks Dining Partners Dreamy Knights
Favorite Sweets First crushes Fish and the sea Fodlan's future Gardening mishaps
Gifts you’d like to receive Guessing someone's age Heart-racing memories Hopes for your future I heard some gossip
I'm counting on you Likable allies Our first meeting Past laughs Perfect recipes
Plans for the future Potential training partners School days Shareable snacks Strange fish in the pond
Tell me about yourself Thanks for everything The Courtyard Couple The ideal professor The ideal relationship
The library's collection The opera The view from the bridge Things that bother you Things you find romantic
Working together You seem well You're doing great work

Replies to Flayn's Conversation

Choosing 3 topics your tea time partner likes (or 2 while choosing their favorite tea) will make them initiate a conversation. Below are the list for Flayn's conversation replies.

You are an interesting person, Professor. You do not seem to know much about yourself.
I desire to see the ocean again-it is difficult being so far away from it.
Lively places are my favorite, I like the monastery because there are always so many people bustling about.
Even if I fall asleep, please do not leave my side. Promise you will stay near.
You and I are of a rare breed. We should take care of each other.
I was born in Enbarr, though I have lived in remote lands far away, at times…
Have you any idea how many types of fish there are? It is unthinkable–their different sizes, shapes, colors… I find it fascinating!
Whenever I look at you, a wave of nostalgia washes over me. I wonder why that is.
Sip TeaLaugh-
I have a fear of sleeping. I worry that I will awake, and everyone I know and love will have vanished.

FE3H Related Links

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