Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Is The Expansion Pass (DLC) Worth It?


Continue the adventure with 4 waves of DLC available through the Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H) Expansion Pass for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about new content, release dates, prices, and if the DLC is worth getting.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Expansion Pass

4 Waves of New Content

FE3H Expansion Pass.png
By purchasing the Expansion Pass, you will get all 4 waves of DLC on their release date. These include new outfits, new items and quests, and even a whole new story with never-before-seen characters!

Expansion Pass Prices and Bundles

Expansion Pass Base Game
+ Expansion Pass Bundle
$24.99 USD $84.98 USD

Once you purchase the Expansion Pass, you will automatically have access to the new content as they release. It is available for $24.99 USD on the Nintendo eShop.

Take note that you need a copy of the game to use the DLC. If you do not have the game yet, you can purchase a bundle which includes a digital copy of the game and the Expansion Pass for $84.98 USD.

All DLC Waves and Content

Wave 1: Released 07/26/19

Officers Academy uniforms for Byleth.jpg

Officers Academy Uniforms for Byleth

For the first wave of DLC, Officers Academy outfits are available for male and female Byleth, which can be equipped through Unit Appearances from the activity-selection screen.

Wave 2: Released 09/11/19

New outfit.jpgHouse Loungewear Byleth glasses.jpgGlasses

New Battles, Items, Attire and Accessory

For the second wave, there are 5 extra Auxilliary Battles, and a new background music to go with it (which can be simply selected in the Option Menu).

There is also a new set of support items, called the Sacred Items that boost stats. Namely, the Sacred Galewind Shoes (Movement +1), Sacred Floral Robe (HP +7), Sacred Snowmelt Drop (Strength +3), and the Sacred Moonstone (Speed +3).

Lastly, a set of attire is available for most of the students, as well as a pair of glasses for Byleth.

Wave 3: Released 11/07/19


New Quests and Units, Outfits, and a Sauna

For this DLC, the Item shopkeeper, Anna, can be recruited after finishing a special quest. New quests are also available, and the ability to interact with cats and dogs.

A new feature is also released. You can use the Sauna to bond with your allies and increase their support levels and gain bonus for skill level training.

Sauna Guide

Sothis Regalia Outfits
Sothis Regalia M.jpg Sothis Regalia F.jpg

Lastly, students also have 3 new types of attire that they can equip. A new outfit is also available for Byleth. The Sothis Regalia is the perfect outfit to go to the Ball in.

Wave 4: Released 02/13/20

A New Location to Explore

Abyss is a secret area located under the Monastery, where the side story takes place. This is a new location you can explore during your Free Time in the main story.

Abyss Guide - Activities, Facilities, and Upgrades

New Characters and a New Side Story

Ashen Wolves.jpg
The last and biggest wave closes the book of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The Cindered Shadows, the new side story, can be played separately from the main game, but you can unlock new content for the main game, such as activities, paralogues, quests, and classes, as you progress in the side story.

Uncover the secrets of the monastery, and meet 4 new characters from Ashen Wolves, the 4th secret house, which can be recruited in the main game. There is also a new location for you to explore, as well as a new costume for Anna.

Take note that your save file for the side story is separate from the main game. 3 save slots are available, plus the autosave file.

DLC - Cindered Shadows Walkthrough

Future DLC | Wave 5

Will There Be a Wave 5?

As of now, nothing is known, but is seems highly unlikely at this point as the Wave 4 of the DLC concludes the main story of Three Houses. Nintendo has not made any official statement regarding a 5th wave of DLC, so we can either accept that this is the last major update, or hope for more in the future.

Is the Expansion Pass Worth It?

Worth It for Die-Hard Fire Emblem Fans

If you've been following the series for the long time, then you should definitely get the Expansion Pass for FE3H. With the DLC, you will be able to meet new characters, as well as re-meet older ones. You will have the ability to experiment with new classes and battalions, and switch up your game. The mystery of the secret 4th house is intriguing too, so if you want to enjoy that, we recommend getting the Pass.

Buy It If You Loved Fire Emblem: Three Houses

There is no doubt that FE3H proved that it is not lacking in story or gameplay. If this is one of your favorite Switch games, then getting to delve more into Garreg Mach's secrets and mysteries is enough reason to get the Expansion Pass. There are new battle strategies as you unlock new recruits and classes, and you also get to experience the secret story of the Ashen Wolves and how it affects the main game.

Get It If You are a Completionist

Getting the DLC gives you a lot more content to get and play. Aside from new outfits and items, there are new features such as the Sauna, as well as new recruits, activites, quests, battalions, and more!

There is also a lot more to unlock when you play the Cindered Shadows side story, so we recommend getting the Pass if you want to complete everthing in the game.

FE3H Related Links

Fire Emblem Three Houses Front Page

Story Walkthrough.png
Story Walkthrough
DLC.pngExpansion Pass (DLC) Battle Walkthrough.png
Battle Walkthroughs
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Free Time and Side Quests
Beginner Guides.pngBeginner Guides Unit Tier List.pngTier List Characters.png
Combat Arts.png
Combat Arts
Items.pngItems Abilities.png


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