Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H)

Paralogue: Darkness Beneath The Earth Walkthrough

This is a battle walkthrough for the paralogue Darkness Beneath The Earth from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FETH, FE3H). Read on to find out about map features, what enemies you will encounter, and tips for winning!

Paralogue: Darkness Beneath The Earth - Overview

Required Units Hubert
Chapter Available Chapter 15
(Crimson Flower Only)
Available until 4/26

FE3H Darkness Beneath The Earth Map.png

Victory Conditions
Rout the enemy
Defeat Conditions
Your character, Hubert or Edelgard falls in battle
# of Player Units 10
# of Enemies 6
# of Ally Units 5
Arrow of Indra (Lance)

Paralogue: Darkness Beneath The Earth - Map and Enemies

FE3H Darkness Beneath The Earth Enemy Layout.png

Pos Enemy
A Demonic Beast
B Winged Demonic Beast

Demonic Beast

Level 33 HP 46(3x) Movement 4
Class Demonic Beast
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
34 95 12
Attack Speed 8 Protection 18 Resilience 7
Avoidance 8 Range 1-2
Weapon Artifical Crest Stone S Dropped Item This enemy has no items.

Winged Demonic Beast

Level 41 HP 30(3x) Movement 5
Class Flying Demonic Beast
Attack Hit Rate Critical Hit
28 109 12
Attack Speed 20 Protection 6 Resilience 9
Avoidance 20 Range 1-2
Weapon Pointy Art. Crest Stone Dropped Item This enemy has no items.

Demonic Beast

Enemy data will be gathered soon.

Winged Demonic Beast

Enemy data will be gathered soon.

Paralogue: Darkness Beneath The Earth - Chests

FE3H Darkness Beneath The Earth Chest Layout.png

Pos Chest Contents
1 Seraph Robe

Seraph Robe

Increases max HP by 5. Well worth getting if you have someone in the area.

Paralogue: Darkness Beneath The Earth - Map Features


Tiles Description
Heal Tile + + 1 Prt, + 1 Res, and +30% HP per turn
Forest 1 Prt, +30% Avo, except for fliers

Paralogue: Darkness Beneath The Earth - Tips and Tricks

Use Battalions to Draw Beasts Away From the Mages

Beasts may attack mages and may not be deterred even if your units are around. To save them, distract them by forcing them to attack you with a gambit attack away from the mages.

Bring Mobile Units

As you can see, the beasts are quite far away from each other. Bring mobile units in order to move between defeated beasts quickly before they kill mages.

Farm for Umbral Steel

Because it's a level full of demonic beasts, this is an ideal mission to farm for umbral steel. To find out how, click our guide below.
Where to Get Umbral Steel

Paralogue: Darkness Beneath The Earth - After the Battle

Lord Arundel thanks you for your service, and Hubert talks about his plans for those who slither in the dark once the war is over.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Related Links

Battle Walkthrough.png
Go back to the Paralogues Front Page
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Rumored Nuptials Sword and Shield of Seiros Black Market Scheme*
Tales of the Red Canyon Oil and Water True Chivalry
Death Toll A Cursed Relic* An Ocean View
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Insurmountable Eternal Guardian Retribution
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*DLC only


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