Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Heroes from Fire Emblem (The Blazing Blade)

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This page lists all of the Fire Emblem Heroes characters who were first introduced in the game Fire Emblem (The Blazing Blade).

List of Heroes from Fire Emblem (The Blazing Blade)

Hero Weapon Type Move Type Rarity Rating
Attuned Hector ImageAttuned Hector Sword ImageSword Armored ImageArmored 9.9/10
Legendary Ninian ImageLegendary Ninian Green Breath ImageGreen Breath Cavalry ImageCavalry 9.5/10
Fallen Nergal ImageFallen Nergal Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 9.5/10
Rearmed Leila ImageRearmed Leila Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Infantry ImageInfantry 9.5/10
Athos ImageAthos Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 9.5/10
Brave Hector ImageBrave Hector Lance ImageLance Armored ImageArmored 9.0/10
Ninja Lyn ImageNinja Lyn Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Flying ImageFlying 9.0/10
Fallen Ninian ImageFallen Ninian Blue Breath ImageBlue Breath Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Spring Karla ImageSpring Karla Axe ImageAxe Cavalry ImageCavalry 9.0/10
Young Hector ImageYoung Hector Axe ImageAxe Armored ImageArmored 9.0/10
Attuned Nino ImageAttuned Nino Green Dagger ImageGreen Dagger Infantry ImageInfantry 9.0/10
Legendary Hector ImageLegendary Hector Axe ImageAxe Armored ImageArmored 8.5/10
Karla ImageKarla Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Legendary Eliwood ImageLegendary Eliwood Sword ImageSword Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Brave Eliwood ImageBrave Eliwood Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Halloween Hector ImageHalloween Hector Sword ImageSword Armored ImageArmored 8.5/10
Fiora ImageFiora Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Leila ImageLeila Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Bramimond ImageBramimond Colorless Tome ImageColorless Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Halloween Tiki (Young) ImageHalloween Tiki (Young) Blue Breath ImageBlue Breath Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Pent ImagePent Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Hatari Karla ImageHatari Karla Lance ImageLance Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Ascended Florina ImageAscended Florina Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Sain ImageSain Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Limstella ImageLimstella Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Thief Leila ImageThief Leila Red Tome ImageRed Tome Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Flame Tribe Lyn ImageFlame Tribe Lyn Lance ImageLance Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Sage Nino ImageSage Nino Red Tome ImageRed Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Sage Ursula ImageSage Ursula Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Young Eliwood ImageYoung Eliwood Sword ImageSword Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Young Rebecca ImageYoung Rebecca Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Young Mark ImageYoung Mark Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Young Lucius ImageYoung Lucius Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Fallen Linus ImageFallen Linus Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Isadora ImageIsadora Lance ImageLance Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Harken ImageHarken Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Fargus ImageFargus Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Fallen Ursula ImageFallen Ursula Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.5/10
Fallen Lloyd ImageFallen Lloyd Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Vaida ImageVaida Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Eliwood ImageEliwood Sword ImageSword Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
ValentineValentine's Hector Axe ImageAxe Armored ImageArmored 8.0/10
Linus ImageLinus Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Brave Lyn ImageBrave Lyn Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Legendary Lyn ImageLegendary Lyn Green bow ImageGreen bow Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Summer Lyn ImageSummer Lyn Blue bow ImageBlue bow Flying ImageFlying 8.0/10
Winter Nino ImageWinter Nino Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Armored ImageArmored 8.0/10
Nils ImageNils Blue Breath ImageBlue Breath Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Rath ImageRath Green bow ImageGreen bow Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Farina ImageFarina Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 8.0/10
Sonia ImageSonia Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Kent ImageKent Sword ImageSword Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Guy ImageGuy Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Halloween Nils ImageHalloween Nils Green Breath ImageGreen Breath Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Ninja Heath ImageNinja Heath Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Flying ImageFlying 8.0/10
Wil ImageWil Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Ice Tribe Nils ImageIce Tribe Nils Blue Breath ImageBlue Breath Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Uther ImageUther Axe ImageAxe Armored ImageArmored 8.0/10
Oswin ImageOswin Lance ImageLance Armored ImageArmored 8.0/10
Canas ImageCanas Red Tome ImageRed Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Dorcas ImageDorcas Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Hector ImageHector Axe ImageAxe Armored ImageArmored 7.5/10
Legault ImageLegault Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
ValentineValentine's Lyn Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Armored ImageArmored 7.5/10
Bridal Ninian ImageBridal Ninian Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Flying ImageFlying 7.5/10
Ninian ImageNinian Blue Breath ImageBlue Breath Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Flying Nino ImageFlying Nino Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Flying ImageFlying 7.5/10
Nino ImageNino Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Ursula ImageUrsula Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Groom Pent ImageGroom Pent Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Bridal Louise ImageBridal Louise Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Winter Zephiel ImageWinter Zephiel Sword ImageSword Armored ImageArmored 7.5/10
Winter Jaffar ImageWinter Jaffar Green Dagger ImageGreen Dagger Armored ImageArmored 7.5/10
Louise ImageLouise Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Erk ImageErk Red Tome ImageRed Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Halloween Dorcas ImageHalloween Dorcas Axe ImageAxe Armored ImageArmored 7.0/10
ValentineValentine's Eliwood Lance ImageLance Armored ImageArmored 7.0/10
Florina ImageFlorina Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 7.0/10
Hawkeye ImageHawkeye Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Jaffar ImageJaffar Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Karel ImageKarel Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Lloyd ImageLloyd Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Lucius ImageLucius Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Bridal Lyn ImageBridal Lyn Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Lyn ImageLyn Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Matthew ImageMatthew Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Priscilla ImagePriscilla Staff ImageStaff Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.0/10
Raven ImageRaven Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Rebecca ImageRebecca Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Serra ImageSerra Staff ImageStaff Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Summer Ursula ImageSummer Ursula Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.0/10
Summer Fiora ImageSummer Fiora Sword ImageSword Flying ImageFlying 7.0/10
Heath ImageHeath Lance ImageLance Flying ImageFlying 7.0/10

Fire Emblem (The Blazing Blade) Introduction


General Information on The Blazing Blade

Fire Emblem General Information
Title Fire Emblem
(JPN: ファイアーエムブレム烈火の剣
'The Blazing Blade')
Release JP: April 25, 2003
NA: November 3, 2003
AU: February 20, 2004
EU: July 16, 2004
Platform Game Boy Advanced (GBA)
Wii U
Price $7.99 (Virtual Console)
Units Sold 272,000

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