Demon's Souls PS5

Dregling Location, Drops, and Stats

This is a guide to Dregling, an enemy in Demon's Souls for the PS5. Read on to learn about Dregling including its HP, Souls obtained, drops, locations, defenses, resistances, guard abilities, and its variants.

Dregling Stats Overview

Dregling Stats and Drops

Drops Broken Sword
Slave's Shield
Crescent Moon Grass

Dregling Defenses

Physical Defense Slash Defense Blunt Defense
80 80 80
Pierce Defense Magic Defense Fire Defense
80 32 39

Dregling Status Resistances

Poison Plague Bleed
Effective Effective Effective

Dregling Block Rate

Physical Guard Magic Guard Fire Damage Cut
75 40 60

Dregling (Flame Sword) Stats and Drops

Drops Broken Sword
Slave's Shield
Crescent Moon Grass

Dregling (Flame Sword) Defenses

Physical Defense Slash Defense Blunt Defense
80 80 80
Pierce Defense Magic Defense Fire Defense
80 32 39

Dregling (Flame Sword) Status Resistances

Poison Plague Bleed
Effective Effective Effective

Dregling (Flame Sword) Block Rate

Physical Guard Magic Guard Fire Damage Cut
75 40 60

Dregling (Black Phantom) Stats and Drops

Drops Broken Sword
Slave's Shield
Crescent Moon Grass

Dregling (Black Phantom) Defenses

Physical Defense Slash Defense Blunt Defense
120 120 120
Pierce Defense Magic Defense Fire Defense
120 48 59

Dregling (Black Phantom) Status Resistances

Poison Plague Bleed
Effective Effective Effective

Dregling (Black Phantom) Block Rate

Physical Guard Magic Guard Fire Damage Cut
75 40 60

Dregling Locations

Boletaria 1-1

1-1: Boletarian Palace

A huge stone castle in the northern kingdom of Boletaria.
Hungry soldiers whose souls have been stolen by demons attack trespassers, and terrible dragons nest there.

1-1: Boletarian Palace

Boletaria 1-2

1-2: Phalanx Archstone

Archstone of the Demon Phalanx.
Past the huge Boletarian castle gates lies the Cliff Pathway, now a feeding ground for dragons, which leads to the inner ward, where the knights live.

1-2: Phalanx Archstone

How to Beat Dregling

Sword Dreglings

This is the easiest enemies you'll encounter in the game. They can easily be defeated by a few strikes and can be done without problems due to their slow attacks.

For caution, you can always put your shield up to avoid potential damage from them. They are also often placed in areas that they can't be seen easily and this is the only time they actually pose a threat.

Flame Sword Dreglings

You can approach Flame Sword Dreglings the same way you would do against normal dreglings but you'll want to stay on a safer position while raising your shield. A little damage can go through your block if your shield has a low fire guard rate so it is best to avoid their attacks then launch a counterattack for a clean kill.

Demon's Souls Related Links

List of Enemies

Boletarian Palace

Enemy List
Dregling Soldier
Knight Hoplite
Wardog Fat Official


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