Zelda: Skyward Sword

How to Get the Mogma Mitts: Location and How to Use

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Zelda Skyward Sword HD - How to Get the Mogma Mitts
This is a guide to getting the Mogma Mitts in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (HD) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn where to find Mogma Mitts, as well as how to use it.

Mogma Mitts Basic Information

Mogma Mitts
Mogma Mitts Set
Item Type Mitts
Powered-up Digging Mitts that allow you to burrow underground.

How to Get the Mogma Mitts

How to Obtain Mogma Mitts

Item Unlock Condition
Mogma Mitts IconMogma Mitts Obtained from Silva after defeating the two Magmanos in the Fire Sanctuary.

Rescue Silva in the Fire Sanctuary

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Obtain the Mogma Mitts
After defeating the two Magmanos inside the Fire Sanctuary, the lava will recede allowing you to free Silva, the Mogma. Head to the room where the Mogma is imprisoned and pull the lever nearby using the Whip to free him. He will give you the Mogma Mitts.

Fire Sanctuary Walkthrough

All Mitts Upgrades

Item How to Get
Mogma Mitts IconMogma Mitts Obtained from Silva after defeating the two Magmanos in the Fire Sanctuary.

List of Upgrades

How to Use the Mogma Mitts

Press the A Button on a Soft Soil Spot

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Dig Soft Soil Spots
The Mogma Mitts allows you to dig up soft soil spots to uncover Rupees, hearts, treasures, or even a hole leading to a new area. Simply approach the soil spot and press the A Button to dig through the dirt.

Press the A Button to Borrow in Holes

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Burrow in Holes
Sometimes you may uncover a hole after digging a soft soil spot. Using the Mogma Mitts, press the A Button to burrow inside to reach new areas.

Attack while Underground

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Attack While Underground

Whle underground, the perspective changes to an overhead view. You can move around using the left thumbstick and look aboveground by pressing the ZL Button. You can also hold down the B Button to crawl faster.

To attack, swing the right Joy-Con, or click the right thumbstick for motion controls. You can use this to destroy objects, push bombs, and defeat Moldorms.

Related Guides

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Items and Equipment Partial

List of Items and Equipment

Items and Equipment
Weapons Equipment
Bottle Items Medals
List of Upgrades


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