Zelda: Skyward Sword

Link: Character Profile and Story Information

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Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Link: Character Profile and Story Information

This page is about Link, a character in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD for the Nintendo Switch. Learn Link's role in the story of Skyward Sword, character profile, and more!

Link's Profile

Location Skyloft
Voice Actor Takashi Oohara
Description The main protagonist and the chosen hero for the Goddess Sword. Zelda's childhood friend.

Link's Role in Skyward Sword

Zelda's childhood friend

Link - Zelda
Link is shown to be close and intimate with his childhood friend, Zelda, the daughter of the Headmaster of the Knight Academy, Gaepora. He won the coveted Wing Ceremony, a spectacular event Zelda was delighted to hear.

Link and Zelda share a strong bond, as if they were destined for something. Link will soon find out what this means in his adventure down the Surface.

Descent to the Surface

Link - down to the surface
While flying with their Loftwings after the Wing Ceremony, an unknown force swept Link and Zelda apart and pulls the latter down to the Surface, while Link passes out back to Skyloft.

He was awakened and beckoned by a spirit named Fi, who was calling him in his sleep. Link follows her, and soon enters the Statue of the Goddess, where he pulls out a sword called the Goddess Sword, the sword of Fi's spirit.

In his desire to find and save Zelda, Link and Fi descends down to the Surface.

Chosen hero of the Goddess Sword

Link - chosen hero of the goddess sword

With the Goddess Sword in hand, Link lands on the Surface. There, he meets a certain old woman waiting in the Sealed Grounds. She directs Link to continue his search for Zelda, conquering various challenges, and also meeting Ghirahim, the main antagonist of the game.

With Fi assisting him, Link will traverse deep woods, scorching volcanoes, and dry deserts, in the hopes of finding and meeting with Zelda again.

Link's Destiny

Link - destiny
Link soon learns his role in his and Zelda's destiny. The various dungeons, trials, and bosses he faced will prove to be a test of his courage.

Related Guides

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Characters Partial.png

List of Characters

Major Characters
LinkLink ZeldaZelda GrooseGroose
FiFi ImpaImpa GaeporaGaepora


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