Zelda: Skyward Sword

Farore's Silent Realm Guide: Sacred Tears Locations and Best Route

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Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Faron Woods Silent Realm Walkthrough
This guide will explain how to complete the Silent Realm in Faron Woods. Learn the best route for completing how to complete Farore's trial without being caught by the Guardians.

Best Route for Faron Woods Silent Realm

Faron Woods Silent Realm Sacred Tears Map

The Sacred Tears are numbered in the recommended order of collection.

Faron Woods Silent Realm Recommended Route

You may refer to the image above to see each step's corresponding tear.

  1. Straight ahead from the starting point.
  2. Found on the ground as you move towards the northern part of the map.
  3. Climb the ivy on the wall and find this tear on top of the ledge
  4. Cross the log to get to the land next to the tree. Avoid the Waking Water.
  5. Fall through the hole.
  6. Climb up to a higher ledge.
  7. Cross the tightrope carefully. Try not to fall into the Waking Water beneath.
  8. Avoid the Waking Water
  9. Pick it up in this area.
  10. On a ledge.
  11. Pick it up avoiding the Waking Water.
  12. Dash up the slope.
  13. Near a Watcher. Prepare to run in case you get detected.
  14. On another ledge.
  15. Near where the Viewing Platform bird monument should be.

Notable Tears

Sacred Tear No. 4 - Across the Log

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - FaroreTreat the fallen log as a bridge that you can cross. This will help you avoid the Waking Water. Alternatively, you can dash through the Waking Water, deactivate the Guardians by picking up the tear, then use the log to safely cross back.

Sacred Tear No. 7 - Across the Tightrope

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - FarorePatience is key for this tear. Focus on your balance to avoid falling into the Waking Water below. Thankfully you only have to cross the tightrope once. You should be able to safely jump off the platform after collecting the tear.

Sacred Tear No. 8 - Near the Tree Surrounded by Waking Water

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - FaroreThe Waking Water here ebbs and flows. Time your movement just right so that you can pass without making contact with the Waking Water. Just like with the 4th Tear, you can trigger the guardians moving in, pick up the tear, then focus on safely crossing back.

Sacred Tear No. 13 - Near the Watchers

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - FaroreReserve your stamina so that you'll be able to sprint soon after coming close to the watchers. Alternatively, you can intentionally let yourself be caught just before picking up the tear.

Faron Woods (2nd Visit) Walkthrough

Faron Woods Silent Realm Location

In front of the Deep Woods Entrance Northeast of Faron Woods

When descending from the Sky onto Faron Woods, the closest bird monument is the Viewing Platform.

From the Bird Monument you can jump down to the clearing in front. Play the Goddess Harp where the Blessed Butterflies gather.

Silent Realm Mechanics

The Silent Realm exists in a spiritual dimension where no gear, items, or other tools may be used, not even your sword. This leaves Link with no means of defense or offense.

For these trials, the player's familiarity with the environment, and natural interactions with the surroundings will be tested.

The Objective Is To Collect 15 Sacred Tears

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Collect Sacred Tears
In each Silent Realm, Link will be tasked to collect 15 sacred tears scattered around the area. They'll have to be gathered carefully since Watchers will be on patrol to alert the Guardians to your presence. Guardians on the other hand will hunt you down trying to prevent you from achieving your goal.

Keep in mind, collected sacred tears will show up on your map. So succeeding runs will usually be easier than the first.

If You Are Attacked by a Guardian, You Have To Start Over

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Alert Guardian
Alerted Guardians will pursue Link in whatever way they can. They will even pass through walls. Link should be fast enough to outrun them, but since stamina is limited, it's only a matter of time before they catch up to you.

The Guardians Stop Chasing You When You Pick Up a Tear

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Pick Up Sacred Tear
For each tear that is collected, the Guardians will become peaceful and will stop chasing Link for 90 seconds. The flower on the upper left corner of the screen will serve as a countdown of your safety. When all the petals wither, The Guardians will begin to pursue Link again.

The safest way to complete each trial is by making sure each tear is collected soon after another. Plan out a route where you can make sure that each drop is picked up within 90 seconds of each other.

Guardians Will Activate When Link Is Spotted by a Watcher

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Watchers
The other type of creature that can be found in the Silent Realm is the Watcher. If you step into their light, they will alert all of the Guardians in the area regardless of how recently you picked up a tear.

There are two types of Watchers. Sky Watchers float back and forth on the same route, while Earth Watchers are typically stationary and will chase Link when he gets close.

Sometimes you can risk getting detected by a Watcher as long as you know you can pick up a tear soon to calm the Guardians down.

Guardians Will Activate When Link Makes Contact With Waking Water

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Guardians Will Activate When Link Makes Contact With Waking Water
Any part of the map that used to have water will instead have Waking Water when in the Silent Realm. Making contact with Waking Water alerts Guardians immediately and will trigger their pursuit of Link. Avoid touching Waking Water to prevent unnecessary difficulty.

In addition, Waking Water may also appear in places that didn't have water on the original map.

Light Fruit Makes It Easier To Find Sacred Tears

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Light Fruit Makes It Easier To Find Sacred Tears
Aside from the tears, another item you can collect in the Silent Realm is the Light Fruit. These little white orbs will enable you to see beacons above the positions of Sacred Tears for 30 seconds. This should give you an idea of the general direction of where the remaining tears are.

After Collecting 15 Sacred Tears, Return to the Starting Point

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Return to the Starting Point
The Silent Realm will not revert to the regular world even after you collect all 15 tears. You'll also have to safely return to the starting point. Don't worry, Guardians will not activate after 90 seconds anymore. However, if a Watcher spots you, you'll still have to avoid getting caught.

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