Zelda: Skyward Sword

How to Get the Gust Bellows: Location and How to Use

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Zelda Skyward Sword HD - How to Get the Gust Bellows
This is a guide to getting the Gust Bellows in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (HD) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn where to find Gust Bellows, as well as how to use it.

Gust Bellows Basic Information

Gust Bellows
Gust Bellows Set
Item Type Gust Bellows
A mighty device that produces an endless gust of wind. Try using it all over the place!

How to Get the Gust Bellows

How to Obtain Gust Bellows

Item Unlock Condition
Gust Bellows IconGust Bellows Found in the Lanayru Mining Facility.

Treasure Chest in the Lanayru Mining Facility

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - How to Obtain the Gust Bellows
The Gust Bellows can be obtained in a treasure chest in the Lanayru Mining Facility.

Lanayru Mining Facility Walkthrough

How to Use the Gust Bellows

Press and Hold the ZR Button

Zelda Skyward Sword - Item Menu
Hold down the ZR Button on the Right Joy-Con to bring up the Items menu. Point the controller at the Gust Bellows and let go of the ZR Button to equip it.

Press the ZR Button to Use it

Zelda Skyward Sword - Using Gust Bellows
Once you have equipped the Gust Bellows, press the ZR Button to use it. For both button only controls and motion controls, move your Right Joy-Con to aim.

Hold down the ZR Button while aiming to blow away a gust of wind.

Blow Away the Sand

Zelda Skyward Sword - Blow Away Sand
You can use the Gust Bellows to blow away mounds of sand to uncover buried switches or remove it to make certain objects move. This is used particularly inside the Lanayru Mining Facility and in the Sandship.

Turn the Propeller

Zelda Skyward Sword - Activate Propellers
The Gust Bellows is used to rotate the two windmills in Skyloft and activate the Light Tower.

In addition, this weapon is also used to defeat the Armos by blowing the wind on the propeller on its head to open its mouth and expose its weak point.

Move the Swinging Scaffolding

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Move the Swinging Platform
Inside the Great Tree at Faron Woods, you can use the Gust Bellows to move the swinging scaffolding.

Faron Woods Walkthrough

Blow Away Enemies

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Moving Froaks Using the Gust Bellows
You can use the Gust Bellows to defeat enemies such as the Froaks. These pufferfish-like monsters can be blown off into a wall or rock to make them explode.

Froak Locations and How to Beat

Clean Pipit's House

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Use Gust Bellows
Using the Gust Bellows allows you to remove the dust and spiderwebs inside Pipit's house.

Cleaning Pipit's House Walkthrough

Remove Molten Lava

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Remove Molten Lava
The Gust Bellows can be used to remove the molten lava inside the Fire Sanctuary. You may also find Rupees after clearing a molten lava pit!

Fire Sanctuary Walkthrough

All Gust Bellows Upgrades

Cannot be Upgraded

Gust Bellows is an item that cannot be upgraded and can only be used in its initial state.

List of Upgrades

Related Guides

Zelda Skyward Sword HD - Items and Equipment Partial

List of Items and Equipment

Items and Equipment
Weapons Equipment
Bottle Items Medals
List of Upgrades


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