Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

How to Unlock the Slimline Pro Optic Red Dot Sight

Modern Warfare 2 - Slimline Pro Optic Banner

The Slimline Pro is a Red Dot Sight Optic attachment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2 2022) and Warzone 2.0. Read on to learn more about what the Slimline Pro is, how you can unlock it in the game, and which guns can use it.

What is the Slimline Pro?

Red Dot Sight Attachment

Slimline Pro
Modern Warfare 2 - Slimline Pro Description
A slim profile provides an unobstructed view of your surroundings when aiming down sight.
Pros Cons
+ Precision Sight Picture - Aim Down Sight Speed

The Slimline Pro is an optic Red Dot Sight used to improve accuracy and slightly be able to zoom in when aiming down sights. Out of all the dot sights in the game, the Slimline Pro has the cleanest sight picture by far. With slim borders and a clear red dot, players will be hard pressed to pick something like the Cronen Mini Red Dot over this weapon sight.

How to Unlock Slimline Pro

Level Up the Lachmann Sub to Level 11

Modern Warfare 2 - Slimline Pro Sight.

To get the Slimline Pro, players will need to level up the Lachmann Sub to level 11. While previsouly there was no unlock text for it, the Season 1 Update introduced new unlock conditions with one being the unlock requirement for the Slimline Pro.

Lachmann Sub: Stats and How to Get

Unlock Condition May Still be Bugged for Some Players

If you already had the Lachmann Sub past level 11 even before the Season 1 Update, then you might find that the unlock for the Slimline Pro is still bugged. Before the update, the Lachmann Sub used to unlock the SZ Mini Optic at level 11.

If you have your Lachmann Sub past level 11 with no Slimline Pro, the only way to get it is to wait for the devs of Inifinity Ward to roll out a fix. As of writing, there is still no official word on when a fix will be made for the issue.

Weapons That Can Use the Slimline Pro

Lachmann-556Lachmann-556 M4M4 M16M16
Kastov-74uKastov-74u TAQ-56TAQ-56 FTAC ReconFTAC Recon
Lachmann-762Lachmann-762 Lachmann SubLachmann Sub FSS HurricaneFSS Hurricane
Fennec 45Fennec 45 Expedite 12Expedite 12 556 Icarus556 Icarus
Lockwood 300Lockwood 300 VEL 46VEL 46 Bryson 800Bryson 800
Kastov 762Kastov 762 Kastov 545Kastov 545 MX9MX9
MinibakMinibak Bryson 890Bryson 890 SO-14SO-14
TAQ-VTAQ-V Vaznev-9KVaznev-9K HCR 56HCR 56

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