
How to Find and Grow a Mangrove Propagule

A Mangrove Propagule is a Plant block in Minecraft that can be found hanging underneath Mangrove leaves in Mangrove Swamps. They can be used to grown your own Mangrove tree. Learn more about this block, how to get it, where to find it, and what it can be used for.

Mangrove Propagule Overview

Mangrove Propagule Basic Information

Mangrove Propagule IconMangrove Propagule
Category Plant
Block Material Mangrove
Block Type Sapling

A Mangrove Propagule is a Plant block in Minecraft that you can find and grow. Learn more about this block, how to get it, where to find it, and what it can be used for.

Block Characteristics

Blast Resistance Low
Blocks with Low Blast Resistance are easily destroyed by weak explosions like Ghast Fireballs.
Transparency Transparent
This block is fully transparent and allows light to pass through completely without diffusing it. Most transparent blocks are mob proof and will not allow mobs to spawn on top of them.
Flammability Flammable
This block can ignite if exposed to fire, fireballs, lava, lightning, or other sources of flame.
Piston Interaction Destroyed by Pistons
This block is destroyed when a piston is pushed into it or when a piston pushes another block in its place.
Interaction with Water Can Be Waterlogged
This block can be waterlogged, so it can occupy the same space as a water source block, but it can still obstruct flowing water.

How to Mine a Mangrove Propagule

Tools to Mine the Block Any Tool

How to Get a Mangrove Propagule

Harvest from Mangrove Trees

Mangrove Propagules

Mangrove Propagules naturally grow on Mangrove Trees and can usually be found hanging underneath Mangrove Leaves. Harvest the Mangrove Propagules by breaking them by hand or using any tool.

How to Use a Mangrove Propagule

Decorative Building Block

Minecraft - Mangrove Blocks Decoration

A Mangrove Propagule can be used to add detail to builds and structures, as it can be planted to grow Mangrove Trees in desired locations. Players are free to get creative in how to use this block to fit their style and designs.

Grow Your Own Mangrove Tree

Minecraft Growing a Mangrove Tee

Like all other Sapling variations, Mangrove Propagules are used to grow trees. Mangrove Propagules can be planted on to most variants of Dirt, including Mud.

Use the Bone Meal as fertilizer to speed up the growth process of the Mangrove Tree. This can be helpful for players wanting to grow a Mangrove Tree in specific locations within a short period of time.

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List of Plant Blocks

List of Blocks
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White Tulip IconWhite Tulip Jungle Leaves IconJungle Leaves Jungle Sapling IconJungle Sapling Mangrove Leaves IconMangrove Leaves
Mangrove Propagule IconMangrove Propagule Brown Mushroom IconBrown Mushroom Brown Mushroom Block IconBrown Mushroom Block Red Mushroom IconRed Mushroom
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Lily Pad IconLily Pad Tall Grass IconTall Grass Vines IconVines Spruce Leaves IconSpruce Leaves
Sapling IconSapling


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