
List of All Utility Blocks and Types

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Utility Blocks are blocks in Minecraft that are primarily used for crafting items, setting respawn points, containing items, and more. Players need most of these blocks to progress more smoothly in the game and beat it. Read on to see a list of all utility types and find out how to get them!

List of All Utility Blocks

Click on a Category to Jump to its Section
Containers Workstations and Crafting Respawn
Structures - -


List of Blocks
Chest IconChest Ender Chest IconEnder Chest

Containers are blocks that you can use to store any item in the game. Chests are the most common ones, as you can easily craft them using wood planks or take them from villages.

Shulker Boxes

List of Blocks
Black Shulker Box IconBlack Shulker Box Blue Shulker Box IconBlue Shulker Box Brown Shulker Box IconBrown Shulker Box Cyan Shulker Box IconCyan Shulker Box
Gray Shulker Box IconGray Shulker Box Green Shulker Box IconGreen Shulker Box Light Blue Shulker Box IconLight Blue Shulker Box Light Gray Shulker Box IconLight Gray Shulker Box
Lime Shulker Box IconLime Shulker Box Magenta Shulker Box IconMagenta Shulker Box Orange Shulker Box IconOrange Shulker Box Pink Shulker Box IconPink Shulker Box
Purple Shulker Box IconPurple Shulker Box Red Shulker Box IconRed Shulker Box Shulker Box IconShulker Box White Shulker Box IconWhite Shulker Box
Yellow Shulker Box IconYellow Shulker Box

Shulker Boxes are more of end-game items, as you can only get their materials in the End dimension. Shulker Boxes are portable chest that you can bring anywhere without removing the items inside of it.

Crafting Blocks

List of Blocks
Anvil IconAnvil Chipped Anvil IconChipped Anvil Crafting Table IconCrafting Table Damaged Anvil IconDamaged Anvil
Enchanting Table IconEnchanting Table Furnace IconFurnace

Crafting Blocks are blocks you can use to combine items to produce another one. Most of the Crafting Blocks are made out of wood, iron, and stones, so make sure to get enough of these resources to craft them.

Village Blocks

List of Blocks
Barrel IconBarrel Bell IconBell Blast Furnace IconBlast Furnace Brewing Stand IconBrewing Stand
Cartography Table IconCartography Table Cauldron IconCauldron Composter IconComposter Fletching Table IconFletching Table
Grindstone IconGrindstone Lectern IconLectern Loom IconLoom Smithing Table IconSmithing Table
Smoker IconSmoker Stonecutter IconStonecutter

Village Blocks are blocks that are found in villages and villagers ususally interact with. Some of these blocks can also be used by the player as crafting blocks.


List of Blocks
Black Bed IconBlack Bed Blue Bed IconBlue Bed Brown Bed IconBrown Bed Cyan Bed IconCyan Bed
Gray Bed IconGray Bed Green Bed IconGreen Bed Light Blue Bed IconLight Blue Bed Light Gray Bed IconLight Gray Bed
Lime Bed IconLime Bed Magenta Bed IconMagenta Bed Orange Bed IconOrange Bed Pink Bed IconPink Bed
Purple Bed IconPurple Bed Red Bed IconRed Bed Respawn Anchor IconRespawn Anchor White Bed IconWhite Bed
Yellow Bed IconYellow Bed

Respawn Blocks are blocks you can use to set up a respawn point anywhere in the overworld and other dimensions.

Beds, in general, should not be used in the Nether as it will cause an explosion and may lead to death if you don't have any Blast Protection enchantment to your armor. If you want to set up a spawn point in the Nether, we recommend using the Respawn Anchor.

Other Useful Blocks

List of Blocks
Beacon IconBeacon Beehive IconBeehive Cake IconCake Conduit IconConduit
Flower Pot IconFlower Pot Lodestone IconLodestone Scaffolding IconScaffolding

There are more utility blocks that you can use in the game. They can be used to apply buffs, set up platforms, create a structure, and more! Note that some blocks in here can only be obtainable in Creative Mode and not in Survival and Hardcore Mode.

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List of All Blocks

List of Block Categories

All Block Categories
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Minecraft Blocks - UtilityUtility Minecraft Blocks - WoodWood Minecraft Blocks - WoolWool -


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