
How to Tame and Breed Pandas

The Panda is a Neutral Animal Mob in Minecraft. Read on to learn information about Pandas, its drops, locations and spawning, behavior, and how to tame or breed Pandas!

Panda Overview

Panda Basic Information

Panda Icon HP
Type Land Animal
Category Neutral

Panda Drops and Rarity

Normal Drops

Item Drop Rarity
Bamboo Icon Bamboo

List of All Items

Baby Pandas Drop Slimeballs in Rare Cases

Minecraft Baby Panda Slimeball

Baby Pandas will drop slimeballs when they sneeze in extremely rare cases. Since baby weak pandas sneeze more often than other panda variants, they are also more likely to drop slimeballs.

How to Tame Pandas

Pandas Cannot Be Tamed

Untameable Panda

Pandas are among the few mobs that cannot be tamed in Minecraft although there are still ways to influence their movement.

Use Bammbo to Make a Panda Follow You

Use Bamboo to get Pandas to follow you

Although Pandas cannot be tamed, you can use bamboo to get them to follow you.

How to Breed Pandas

Feed Two Pandas Bamboo Near Bamboo Blocks

Pandas Mating

You can feed two Pandas Bamboo to get get them to breed. Make sure that these pandas are near Bamboo Blocks before attempting to breed them, otherwise, they will just eat the bamboo but not breed with each other.

Panda Locations and Spawning Mechanics


List of Biomes
Bamboo Jungle Minecraft Bamboo Jungle Jungle Minecraft Jungle

Pandas spawn very rarely, usually in sets of 1 or 2. They are more common in Bamboo Jungles

Panda Behavior

Pandas Follow Players Holding Bamboo

Use Bamboo to get Pandas to follow you

While holding Bamboo, Pandas will follow players around wherever they go so long as they can reach the player.

Different Panda Personalities

Pandas Have Varying Personalities

A Panda's behavior will vary depending on its facial expression. There are currently seven variations.

Normal Pandas

Normal Panda

A Normal Panda Does not have any unique behavioral characteristics

Lazy Pandas

Lazy Panda

Lazy Pandas often lie on their backs and are slower than Normal Pandas. Lazy Pandas do not follow the player holding Bamboo in the Java edition if it's lying on its back but will get up and follow the player in the Bedrock Edition.

Worried Pandas

Worried Panda

Worried Pandas will avoid the player. They also shake and hide their faces during thunderstorms. Worried Pandas also do not eat bamboo or cake on their own.

Playful Pandas

Playful Panda

Playful Pandas tend to roll around and jump a lot.

Aggressive Pandas

Aggressive Panda

While Pandas usually only attack once when hit, Aggressive Pandas will continuously attack the player and mobs until the target is dead or is out of reach of the Aggressive Panda.

Weak Pandas

Weak Panda

Weak Pandas have less health than Normal Pandas. Baby Weak Pandas also tends to sneeze more than Normal Pandas.

Brown Pandas

Brown Panda

While they do not possess any unique behavior traits they are different from other Pandas due to their brown and white fur.

How to Farm Pandas

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