Modern Warfare 2 (MW2)

SZ Aggressor-IR Optic: Stats and How to Get

SZ Aggressor-IR Optic is an Optic attachment with white reticle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Read on to see all info on SZ Aggressor-IR Optic and find out how to get it, including weapons and weapon platforms that can use it!

SZ Aggressor-IR Optic Overview

SZ Aggressor-IR Optic Basic Info

SZ Aggressor-IR Optic Description
Type: Optic
A 4x thermal optic from Solo Zero. Cutting-edge thermal technology and a lightweight design make this an ideal scope for any hunt.
Pros Cons
+ 6.3x Magnification
+ Thermal Target Identification
- Small Sniper Glint
- Aim Down Sight Speed
- Aim Walking Movement Speed

SZ Aggressor ADS View

Modern Warfare 2 - SZ Aggressor-IR Optic
SZ Aggressor has a thermal-detecting feature that allows any user to see enemies from a dark area or even behind the smoke. Aside from that, it also has a 6.3x magnification that can be used on mid to long-range encounters.

It uses a white cross reticle with a center dot and a thick body frame that blocks a large portion of your vision around the scope.

How to Get SZ Aggressor-IR Optic

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Weapons That Can Use SZ Aggressor-IR Optic

Lachmann-556Lachmann-556 M4M4 M16M16
Kastov-74uKastov-74u TAQ-56TAQ-56 FTAC ReconFTAC Recon
Lachmann-762Lachmann-762 Lachmann SubLachmann Sub Fennec 45Fennec 45
Expedite 12Expedite 12 RAPP HRAPP H SAKIN MG38SAKIN MG38
Signal 50Signal 50 EBR-14EBR-14 Lockwood 300Lockwood 300
VEL 46VEL 46 Bryson 800Bryson 800 Kastov 762Kastov 762
Kastov 545Kastov 545 MX9MX9 STB 556STB 556
PDSW 528PDSW 528 RPKRPK MinibakMinibak
Bryson 890Bryson 890 SO-14SO-14 TAQ-VTAQ-V
Vaznev-9KVaznev-9K HCR 56HCR 56 RAAL MGRAAL MG
MCPR-300MCPR-300 LA-B 330LA-B 330 SP-X 80SP-X 80

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