Honkai: Star Rail

Museum Management Event Guide

♦ Latest: 3.1 Summary & Amphoreus Guide
♦ Phase 1: Tribbie, Yunli, Hook, Lynx, Guinaifen
♦ Phase 2: Mydei, Huohuo, Arlan, Xueyi, Natasha
♦ 3.2 Characters: Castorice & Anaxa
♦ New Events: Protean Hero

Honkai Star Rail - Museum Management Event Guide

Museum Management is a gameplay mode within Honkai: Star Rail's Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities event. See the full guide on how to play Museum Management, all event stages, and what rewards you can get here!

Everwinter City Museum Event Guides
Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum EventEverwinter City Museum Guide Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum ManagementMuseum Management Honkai Star Rail - Guest Assistants and Hiring GuideGuest Assistants & Hiring Guides
Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum Mission Day 1Quest Part 1 Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum Mission Day 2Quest Part 2 Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum Mission Day 3Quest Part 3 Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum Mission Day 3Quest Part 4

Museum Management Event Stages

Museum Management Dates and Stages

All Museum Unlock Dates and Stages
Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum Missions Belobog Museum Day 1
June 09, 2023
Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum Missions Belobob Museum Day 2
June 10, 2023
Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum Missions Belobog Museum Day 3
June 12, 2023

Museum Management Day 1 Objectives

Additional Operational Objective Rewards
Upgrade General Hall Exterior to Level 5 and complete 1 round of management. NPC Assistant: Julian
With any exhibition area in perfect (S) condition, complete 3 rounds of management. Exhibit Collection: Oil Painting Mission
Upgrade General Hall - Interior to Level 4 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Collection: Cannon Mission
Upgrade General Hall - Exterior to Level 8 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit: Mechanism Energy Hub Mission
Recruit a total of 10 assistants and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Restoration: Antique Radio Mission
Collect a total of 5 exhibits, and complete 1 round of management. NPC Assistant: Perkins

Everwinter City Museum Day 1 Guide

Museum Management Day 2 Objectives

Additional Operational Objective Rewards
Upgrade Industrial Hall to Level 4 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Restoration: Automaton Control Terminal Mission
Upgrade General Hall - Interior to Level 7 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Collection: Oil Painting Part 2 Mission
Upgrade General Hall - Exterior to Level 11 and complete 1 round of management. NPC Assistant: Wallace
With all exhibition areas in perfect (S) condition, complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Collection: Oil Painting Part 3 Mission

Everwinter City Museum Day 2 Guide

Museum Management Day 3 Objectives

Industrial Hall Exhibits

Additional Operational Objective Rewards
Upgrade General Hall - Interior to Level 9 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Collection: Automaton Spider
Upgrade Industrial Hall to Level 7 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Restoration: Mine Mantel Clock
Upgrade History-Culture Hall to Level 3 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Collection: Automaton Hound
Upgrade General Hall - Exterior to Level 15 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Collection: Information Terminal and Display Monitor Set

Everwinter City Museum Day 3 Part 1 Guide

History-Culture Hall Exhibits

Additional Operational Objective Rewards
Upgrade General Hall - Interior to Level 12 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Replica: Antimatter Legion Part 1
Upgrade Industrial Hall to Level 9 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Replica: Antimatter Legion Part 2
Upgrade History-Culture Hall to Level 6 and complete 1 round of management. Exhibit Collection: Portrait of the Supreme Guardian

Everwinter City Museum Day 3 Part 2 Guide

How to Play Museum Management

Everwinter City Museum Management Guide

  1. Restore the Belobog Museum ▼
  2. Manage Three Stat Targets ▼
  3. Complete More Objectives ▼
  4. Complete all Management Phase ▼

Earn Funds to Revitalize the Museum

Honkai Star Rail - Upgrading Exhibit Areas
As the Museum Manager, your task is to improve exhibit areas to increase the museum's RevitaScore. You can increase the points you earn per day by making upgrades to the museum.

Go through successful business days to earn funds for leveling up exhibit areas. Take note that as you make these upgrades, the objectives to meet will increase as well!

Manage Three Parameters

Honkai Star Rail - Parameter Objectives
To get the most out of a business day, you will need to make sure that you meet the targets for Tour Duration, Educational Value, and Visitor Appeal.

Assign Museum Staff

Honkai Star Rail - Museum Staff Stats
As you play through the event, you will unlock more staff to recruit and assign to exhibit areas. Take note of their stats to see which parameters they can increase and make assignments accordingly. You can eventually unlock familiar faces to help you out as well!

Upgrade Exhibit Parameters

Honkai Star Rail - Upgrading Exhibit Parameters
You can make individual upgrades to an area's parameters to meet your objectives. Upgrading these parameters will increase your RevitaScore as well as the amount you can earn for each day.

Meet Additional Objectives

Honkai Star Rail - Museum Management Additional Objectives
Additional objectives will appear in the bottom left corner. If you can successfully meet these requirements, you can unlock either new staff to recruit or exhibit clues!

Gain Clues to Expand the Exhibit Collection

Honkai Star Rail - Distant View of Belobog Exhibit Benefits
Clues gained from additional objects will allow you to track down exhibits to add to the museum. These exhibit items will increase your RevitaScore and provide benefits that make it easier for you to run the museum!

Reach Higher Management Phases

Honkai Star Rail - Management Phase Rewards
As you accumulate RevitaScore, the museum's Management Phase will upgrade. Each upgrade comes with its rewards! Reaching certain phases will also allow you to unlock a new area of the museum to manage.

How to Get Guest Assistants

Random Events and Quests

Honkai Star Rail - Serval Guest Assistant Random Event
Playable characters can help at the museum as Guest Assistants. Some of them will be unlocked as you progress the Opportunity Makes the Thief questline, while the rest are unlocked at random.

Keep going through business days and eventually, you will get notified that a possible assistant was found. This will then prompt you to seek out the character so that they can submit an application and be interviewed!

Guest Assistant Guide

How to Get Lost Exhibits

Exhibit Clues from Additional Objectives

Honkai Star Rail - Exhibit Clue Obtained
When you receive exhibit clues from completing additional objectives, you will unlock Adventure Missions that will lead you to lost exhibits. Continue accomplishing additional objectives to unlock more exhibit clues and complete the exhibit collection!

All Exhibit Index Items

Exhibit Item Unlock & Operational Bonus Effects
Honkai Star Rail - Ledger of Curiosities - Meteor Fragment Meteor Fragment ◆ Complete Opportunity Makes the Thief Part 1 Adventure Mission
◆ Reduces the Tour Duration parameter of the exhibition area where the exhibit is located by 5.
Honkai Star Rail - Ledger of Curiosities - Oil Painting Oil Painting with a Distant View of Belobog ◆ Finish Exhibit Collection: Oil Painting Part 1 Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 500.
Honkai Star Rail - Ledger of Curiosities - CannonCannon ◆ Complete Exhibit Collection: Cannon Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 800.
Honkai Star Rail - Ledger of Curiosities - Mechanism Energy Hub Mechanism Energy Hub ◆ Complete Exhibit Collection: Mechanism Energy Hub Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 1300.
Honkai Star Rail - Ledger of Curiosities - Antique RadioAntique Radio ◆ Complete Exhibit Restoration: Antique Radio Adventure Mission
◆ Reduces the Tour Duration parameter of the exhibition area where the exhibit is located by 5%.
Honkai Star Rail - Automaton Control TerminalAutomaton Control Terminal ◆ Complete Exhibit Restoration: Automaton Control Terminal Adventure Mission
◆ Reduces the Visitor Appeal parameter of the exhibition area where the exhibit is located by 5%.
Honkai Star Rail - Oil Painting with a Panorama of the Great MineOil Painting with a Panorama of the Great Mine ◆ Complete Exhibit Collection: Oil Painting Part 2 Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 5000.
Honkai Star Rail - Oil Painting of the Golden TheaterOil Painting of the Golden Theater ◆ Complete Exhibit Collection: Oil Painting Part 3 Adventure Mission
◆ Reduces the Educational Value paramenter of the exhibition area where the exhibit is located by 5%.
Honkai Star Rail - Antique Desk LampAntique Desk Lamp ◆ Complete Exhibit Restoration: Antique Desk Lamp Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 3000.
Honkai Star Rail - Gears and Wisdom SculptureGears and Wisdom Sculpture ◆ Complete Opportunity Makes the Thief (Part 2) Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 2000.
Honkai Star Rail - Automaton Spider ModelAutomaton Spider Model ◆ Complete Exhibit Collection: Automaton Spider Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 9000.
Honkai Star Rail - Automaton Hound ModelAutomaton Hound Model ◆ Complete Exhibit Collection: Automaton Hound Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 13000.
Honkai Star Rail - Mine Mantel ClockMine Mantel Clock ◆ Complete Exhibit Restoration: Mine Mantel Clock Adventure Mission
◆ Reduces the Tour Duration parameter of the exhibition area where the exhibit is located by 5%.
Honkai Star Rail - Information Terminal and Display Monitor SetInformation Terminal and Display Monitor Set ◆ Complete Exhibit Collection: Information Terminal and Display Monitor Set Adventure Mission
◆ Reduces the Educational Value parameter of the exhibition area where the exhibit is located by 5%.
Honkai Star Rail - Automaton Beetle ModelAutomaton Beetle Model ◆ Complete Exhibit Collection: Automaton Beetle Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 15000.
Honkai Star Rail - Projector and Its MicrofilmProjector and Its Microfilm ◆ Complete Opportunity Makes the Thief (Part 3) Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 7000.
Honkai Star Rail - Voidranger Ice Sculpture (I)Voidranger Ice Sculpture (I) ◆ Complete Exhibit Replica: Antimatter Legion Part 1 Adventure Mission
◆ Three basic parameters of the exhibition area where the exhibit is located will be increased by 5%.
Honkai Star Rail - Voidranger Ice Sculpture (II)Voidranger Ice Sculpture (II) ◆ Complete Exhibit Replica: Antimatter Legion Part 2 Adventure Mission
◆ Reduces the Visitor Appeal parameter of the exhibition area where the exhibit is located by 5%.
Honkai Star Rail - Alisa RandAlisa Rand's Lance ◆ Complete Exhibit Replica: Alisa Rand's Lance Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 11000.
Honkai Star Rail - TrailblazerTrailblazer's Ball Bat ◆ Complete Exhibit Replica: Trailblazer's Ball Bat Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 17000.
Honkai Star Rail - Portrait Supreme Guardian Cocolia and Her DaughterPortrait Supreme Guardian Cocolia and Her Daughter ◆ Complete Exhibit Collection: Portrait of the Supreme Guardian Adventure Mission
◆ After each management action, the development fund additionally increases by 20000.

Museum Management Information

Part of the Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities Event

Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities Event
Museum Management is part of the Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities event in Version 1.1 of Honkai: Star Rail. Take charge of Belobog's History and Culture Museum to restore its former glory!

Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities

Honkai: Star Rail Related Guides

Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities Event

Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities

Everwinter City Museum Guide

Everwinter City Museum Guides
Honkai Star Rail - Museum Management GuideMuseum Management Honkai Star Rail - Guest Assistants GuideGuest Assistants

Everwinter City Museum Mission Guides

Day Guides Quest Guides
Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum MissionsOpportunity Makes the Thief Part 1
Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum MissionsOpportunity Makes the Thief Part 2
Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum MissionsOpportunity Makes the Thief Part 3
Honkai Star Rail - Everwinter City Museum MissionsOpportunity Makes the Thief Part 4

Other Upcoming and Current Events

Honkai Star Rail - All Upcoming and Current Events

All Events and Schedules


3 Anonymous4 months

yes i did! so glad someone said it!

2 Anonymousover 1 year

What's the best volunteers for each hall?


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