Hades 2

How to Get Nightshade and How to Use

Nightshade can be obtained as a Greenery Item in Hades 2. Learn how to get Nightshade, as well as the uses of Nightshade in the game.

How to Get Nightshade

  1. Acquire Nightshade Seeds From Digging Spots
  2. Plant Nightshade Seeds to Grow Nightshade

Acquire Nightshade Seeds From Digging Spots

Nightshade Seeds can be obtained by using your Silver Spade in digging spots found throughout Erebus

Erebus Guide

Plant Nightshade Seeds to Grow Nightshade

Seeds No. of While(s) Turns Into
Hades 2 - Nightshade SeedsNightshade Seeds 5
Hades 2 - NightshadeNightshade

Nightshade can be obtained by planting and harvesting Nightshade Seeds. Like all other Greeneries, Nightshade may take some time to grow.

Try doing a couple more runs while waiting for the plant to reach full maturity.
Farming Guide

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How to Use Nightshade

Used for Exchanging Bones

Nightshade can be exchanged for 10 Bones from the Wretched Broker in the Crossroads.
Broker Exchanges

Used For Incantations

Incantation Effects Ingredients
Hades 2 - Doomed BeckoningDoomed Beckoning Beseech Moros to reappear, in accordance with the will of the Three Fates.
Hades 2 - Fate FabricF.Fabric x3
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x1
Hades 2 - Floral FortuneFloral Fortune Exchange plants and other goods for Bones at the Wretched Broker.
Hades 2 - AshesAsh x1
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x1
Hades 2 - Rite of Vapor-CleansingRite of Vapor-Cleansing Restore the Crossroads Hot Springs, so they may be used (min. two guests at a time). Grants +1 Bath Salts.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x2
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x2
Hades 2 - LotusLotus x2
Hades 2 - Rise of the Stygian WellsRise of the Stygian Wells Cause Locations in the Underworld to sometimes contain a Well of Charon.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x1
Hades 2 - Purification of Fountain-WatersPurification of Fountain-Waters Enhance Fountains so that they restore an additional +10% Life.
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x1
Hades 2 - CattailCattail x1
Hades 2 - Necromantic InfluenceNecromantic Influence Gain the ability to Sprinto into Lone Shadows you encounter to turn them against your foes.
Hades 2 - PsychePsyche x5
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x5
Hades 2 - Unearthed TrovesUnearthed Troves Cause Locations you visit to sometimes contain an Infernal Trove.
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x1
Hades 2 - LimestoneLime x5
Hades 2 - Unraveling of a Fateful BondUnraveling of a Fateful Bond Forestall the effects of your bloodline's ancient Life-draining curse that bars you from the surface.
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x2
Hades 2 - LotusLotus x2
Hades 2 - MossMoss x2
Hades 2 - ThalamusThalamus x2
Hades 2 - Aspects of Night and DarknessAspects of Night and Darkness Reveal Aspects within the Silver Pool that further empower each Main Weapon.
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x1
Hades 2 - BronzeBronze x5
Hades 2 - Abyssal InsightAbyssal Insight Activate the Pitch-Black Stone in the Training Grounds, then attempt its Trials for Star Dust.
Hades 2 - Fate FabricF.Fabric x2
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x2
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x2
Hades 2 - PearlPearl x2

Best Incantations to Get First

Used in Unlocking Equipment

Equipment Materials
Hades 2 - Argent SkullArgent Skull
Aspect of Medea
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x 1
Hades 2 - IronIron x 4

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Used to Unlock Rank 3 Arcana

Grasp Cost
Ability Cost
VI: The Furies
(Cost: 2)
Deal +20/25/30% damage to foes in your Casts.
Hades 2 - Moon DustM.Dust x4
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x10

Nightshade Info

Nightshade Information
Hades - Nightshade Icon Nightshade
Description Its cup-shaped flowers are highly toxic yet do have their uses.
Type Greenery
Required Tool Harvested

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