Hades 2

How to Farm Bronze and How to Use

Bronze is a Reagent item in Hades 2. See how you can get Bronze, as well as all the uses for Bronze in our guide!

How to Farm Bronze

Mine in the City of Ephyra

Farming Bronze takes a bit of preparation, but we'll break down the necessary steps in how you can start farming Bronze.

  1. Incant the Night's Craftwork
  2. Craft the Crescent Pick
  3. Incant the Permeation of Witching Wards
  4. Look for Mounds of Bronze

Incant the Night's Craftwork

Incantation Effects Cost
Hades 2 - NightNight's Craftwork Reveal Gathering Tools within the Silver Pool. Unlock them to gather Silver, Psyche, and more.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1

The first step to farming Bronze is incanting Night's Craftwork to unlock the Crescent Pick. It only costs 1 Moly which can be found in Erebus.

Craft the Crescent Pick

Equipment Resource Cost
Hades 2 - Crescent PickCrescent Pick
Hades 2 - AshesAsh x1

The next step is to craft the Crescent Pick by the Silver Pool. It costs 1 Ashes to craft the Crescent Pick.

Incant the Permeation of Witching-Wards

Incantation Effects Cost
Hades 2 - Permeation of Witching-WardsPermeation of Witching-Wards Gain the ability to traverse Warded gateways, such as the one leading to the surface...
Hades 2 - CinderCinder x1
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - ShadowShadow x1

Next you have to incant the Permeation of Witching-Wards to unlock the path up to the City of Ephyra. This incantation is a bit time-consuming because of the acquisition of its ingredients. Moly can be found in Erebus, and Cinder is rewarded for beating Hecate, but Shadow can only be obtained via Shadow Extraction.

How to Get Shadow and How to Use

Look for Mounds of Bronze

Hades 2 - Look for Mounds of Bronze

Now all that's left to do is to go to the City of Ephyra with your Crescent Pick equipped, and you can now mine for Bronze in the mounds found in the locations.

How to Use Bronze

Used to Craft Equipment

Equipment Resource Cost
Hades 2 - Rod of FishingRod of Fishing
Hades 2 - Fate FabricF.Fabric x2
Hades 2 - BronzeBronze x1
Hades 2 - Argent SkullArgent Skull
Hades 2 - BronzeBronze x 1
Hades 2 - GlassrockG.Rock x 2
Umbral Flames
Hades 2 - BronzeBronze x 2
Hades 2 - TearsTears x 2

Bronze is used as a crafting material in your Silver Pool. To craft a piece of equipment, go to the Silver Pool and select the item to be crafted.

Bronze Info

Bronze Information
Hades - Bronze Icon Bronze
Description An alloy prized both for art and warfare; mortals sometimes even combine the two.
Type Reagent
Required Tool Crescent Pick

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