Hades 2

Charon Shops and Character Guide

Hades 2 - Charon Boons and Gameplay Tips

Charon is the Stygian Boatman of the Underworld and one of the NPC merchants in Hades 2. Read on to learn how to access Charon's shops, who Charon is, and what Keepsake he gives you in Hades 2.

Charon's Shops

Charon is an NPC merchant in Hades 2 that provides Melinoe upgrades and items needed for her journey, provided she has the Gold Crowns to purchase them.

Charon's Shops
Shop Rooms Wells of Charon Gold Rewards Shop

Shop Rooms

Hades II - Charon Character Guide Charon

You can usually identify which room Charon is selling his wares by checking the entrance. The rooms occupied by Charon have brown pouches that have golden skulls sewn on them.

Charon's stock of items usually consists of various resources and upgrades that you might need during your progress.

Door Symbols and Room Rewards Explained

All Available Shop Items

Charon's Shop Items
Armor  Icon Armor
Gold Crowns
Bones Icon Bones
Gold Crowns
Boon Icon Boon
Gold Crowns
Centaur Heart Icon Centaur Heart
Gold Crowns
Daedalus Hammer Icon Daedalus Hammer
Gold Crowns
Moon Dust Icon Moon Dust
Gold Crowns
Nectar Icon Nectar
Gold Crowns
Obol Points Icon Obol Points
Gold Crowns
Pom of Power Icon Pom of Power
Gold Crowns
Pom Slice Icon Pom Slice
Gold Crowns
Psyche Icon Psyche
Gold Crowns
Random Boon Icon Random Boon
Gold Crowns
Soul Tonic Icon Soul Tonic
Gold Crowns

The table listed above shows all the available items you can find when visiting Charon's Shops in the game.

Do note that Charon sells 3 items in his shops that are randomly generated and will vary every time you visit him.

List of All Items

Additional Shop Items Available Between Tartarus and the House of Hades

Hades 2 - Charon Character Guide Tartarus Shop

Once you've reached the rest stop that appears between Tartarus and The House of Hades, you will see that the number of items Charon is selling has increased to 5.

You will also notice that the fifth item he sells is more expensive compared to the rest, and will usually vary from either Moon Dust, Obol Points, or other valuable resource needed in the game.

Wells of Charon

Hades II - Charon Character Guide Well of Charon
Once you've gained access to the cauldron at the Crossroads, you can concoct the Rise of the Stygian Wells incantation to conjure Wells of Charon at rooms you might visit later on.

The Wells of Charon are randomly generated, and provide temporary upgrades that you can purchase.

You can also concoct the Surge of Stygian Wells so that they'll appear at rest stops located between regions.

Best Incantations to Get First

Gold Rewards Delivery at the Crossroads

Charon's Gold Rewards Shop can be unlocked after you've acquired your first Obol Points card in the game.

You will receive the card from Charon after you've spent 1000 Gold Crowns and interacted with him as an exclamation mark hovers above him.

Charon's Gold Rewards Shop is located south of where the Wretched Broker is. You can exchange your Obol Points for large amounts of reagents such as Ashes, Psyche, and Fate Fabrics.

How to Unlock Charon's Gold Rewards Shop

Charon Keepsake

Gold Purse

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
Gold Purse Gain +100 Gold Crowns once this night.
Gold Purse Gain +125 Gold Crowns once this night.
Gold Purse Gain +150 Gold Crowns once this night.

The Gold Purse Keepsake enables you to gain 100 Gold Crowns for each night you've progressed in the game. This can be helpful if you want to purchase something from Charon's wares.

Best Keepsakes Tier List

Who is Charon?

Stygian Boatman

Charon Epithet Stygian Boatman
Faction Unseen
Voice Actor Logan Cunningham

Charon is described as the Stygian Boatman that ferries the dead in the Underworld.

He functions as one of the NPC merchants in the game, providing Melinoe with items and supplies that she might need during her progress.

Merchant to Zagreus During First Game

Similar to his role in Hades 2, Charon was also an NPC merchant in the first game that supplied Zagreus with items in exchange for Obols.

He is also fought as a boss if the player decides to select the borrow option from him, which can be described as one of the most difficult fights in the first game.

Ferryman of the Underworld

Hades II - Charon Character Guide Melinoe

In Greek Mythology, Charon is famous for his role as the ferryman of the Underworld. He is known to sail the River Styx to guide and accompany lost souls still roaming the mortal realm.

Charon is mostly associated with a golden coin, given that the said coin was needed to pay him for his services to escort you through the River Styx and bring you to the land of the dead.

Charon also resembles many figures in mythology that symbolize death and afterlife, such as the Grim Reaper and the Shinigami from Japanese folklore.

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