Hades 2

Aphrodite Boons and Gameplay Tips

Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boons and Gameplay Tips

Aphrodite is one of the Olympian Gods that can assist Melinoe in Hades 2. As the goddess of love and desire, Aphrodite's Boons weaken foes and give Melinoe buffs to stay healthy. Read on to learn more about Aphrodite, their boons, and gameplay tips for their boons in this guide!

All Aphrodite Boons

List of Standard Aphrodite Boons

Boon Description Stat Improved
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Flutter Strike Flutter Strike Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Your Attacks deal more damage to nearby foes. Close-Up Damage:
・Common: +80%
・Rare: +105%
・Epic: +120%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Flutter Flourish Flutter Flourish Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Your Specials deal more damage to nearby foes. Close-Up Damage:
・Common: +100%
・Rare: +150%
・Epic: +200%
・Heroic: +250%
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Rapture Ring Rapture Ring Hades 2 - Air Element Boon Your Casts drag foes in and inflict Weak. Weak Damage Reduction:
・Common: +10%
・Rare: +15%
・Epic: +20%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Passion Dash Passion Dash Hades 2 - Air Element Boon Your Dash blasts foes near where you start and end, and inflicts Weak. Blast Damage:
・Common: 20
・Rare: 30
・Epic: 40
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Glamour Gain Glamour Gain Hades 2 - Air Element Boon In each Encounter, 1 foe is always Weak. You gradually restore Magick near Weak foes. Magick Restoration:
・Common: 6 (every 1 Sec.)
・Rare: 8 (every 1 Sec.)
・Epic: 10 (every 1 Sec.)
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Wispy Wiles Wispy Wiles Infusion Boon
Requires: 1 Air
While you have at least 4 Air Boons, you may Dodge any damage.
Dodge Chance:
・Common: +15%
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Healthy Rebound Healthy Rebound Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Whenever you exit a Location, restore 100% Life if you have not lost too much. Min Life Required:
・Common: 80%
・Rare: 70%
・Epic: 60%
・Heroic: 50%
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Secret Crush Secret Crush Hades 2 - Air Element Boon After you enter a Location, Prime 20 Magick to add Power to your Attack Attack Power:
・Common: +5
・Rare: +7
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Life Affirmation Life Affirmation Hades 2 - Air Element Boon Any Max Life rewards you find have a greater effect. Bonus Life Gain:
・Common: +40%
・Rare: +50%
・Epic: +60%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Shameless Attitude Shameless Attitude Hades 2 - Air Element Boon While you have at least 80% Life, you deal more damage. High-Life Bonus Damage:
・Common: +10%
・Rare: +15%
・Epic: +20%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Heart Breaker Heart Breaker Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Whenever you use 30 Magick, create a Heartthrob. Heartthrob Area Damage:
・Common: 120
・Rare: 180
・Epic: 240
・Heroic: 300
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Broken Resolve Broken Resolve Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Your Weak effects are more potent.
▶︎ Requirements:
Rapture Ring / Passion Dash / Glamour Gain
Weak Damage Reduction:
・Common: +10%
・Rare: +12%
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Aphrodite Boon - Sweet Surrender Sweet Surrender Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Weak-afflicted foes take more damage.
▶︎ Requirements:
Rapture Ring / Passion Dash / Glamour Gain
Damage vs. Weak:
・Common: +10%
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD

List of All Boons

List of Aphrodite's Duo Boons

Boon and Effect Requirements
Sunny DispositionSunny Disposition
Whenever you create Heartthrobs, create more.
Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Heart Breaker
Any of these Apollo Boons:
Nova Strike
・Nova Flourish
・Solar Ring
・Lucid Gain

Island GetawayIsland Getaway
You take less damage from nearby foes. Boons of Aphrodite treat all foes as nearby.
Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Wave Strike
・Wave Flourish
・Geyser Ring
・Breaker Sprint

Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Flutter Strike
・Flutter Flourish

Burning DesireBurning Desire
Up to +12 Lone Shades appear in Locations. Sprint into them to launch a fiery blast.
Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Rapture Ring
・Passion Dash
・Glamour Gain

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Smolder Ring
・Soot Sprint
・Hearth Gain

Hearty AppetiteHearty Appetite
You deal more damage the more Life you have.
Any of these Demeter Boons:
Plentiful Forage
・Winter Coat

Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Shameless Attitude
・Life Affirmation
・Healthy Rebound

Romantic SparkRomantic Spark
If you Sprint into Blitz-afflicted foes, the effect activates immediately and is stronger.
Any of these Zeus Boons:
Heaven Strike
・Heaven Flourish

Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Passion Dash
・Flutter Strike
・Flutter Flourish
・Rapture Ring

Soft CaressSoft Caress
The first time you would take damage each Encounter, get Life instead.
Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Rapture Ring
・Passion Dash
・Glamour Gain

Any of these Hephaestus Boons:
Anvil Ring
・Smithy Sprint
・Fixed Gain

Soul MateSoul Mate
Foes with Hitch take more damage and are Weak, but only 2 can be afflicted at a time.
Any of these Hera Boons:
Sworn Strike
・Sworn Flourish
・Nexus Sprint
・Nasty Comeback

Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Rapture Ring
・Passion Dash
・Glamour Gain

List of Duo Boons

How to Get Aphrodite's Legendary Boon

Boon Requirements
Ecstatic ObsessionEcstatic Obsession
( Aphrodite )
During Encounters with multiple foes, 1 foe is always afflicted with Charm.
One of these Boons:
Broken Resolve
・Sweet Surrender

One of these Boons:
Rapture Ring
・Passion Dash
・Glamour Gain

One of these Boons:
Flutter Strike
・Flutter Flourish

To meet the requirements for Aphrodite's Legendary Boon, we recommend getting Flutter Strike or Flutter Flourish first, then Rapture Ring, into a Sweet Surrender boon.

This boon build path offers the best synergy leading up to Ecstatic Obsession, dealing high close-range damage, especially with Rapture Ring and Sweet Surrender combined.

List of Legendary Boons

Aphrodite Keepsake

Beautiful Mirror

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
Beautiful Mirror A Boon of Aphrodite is likely. You can Rarify her Common blessings once this night.
Beautiful Mirror A Boon of Aphrodite is likely. You can Rarify her Rare blessings once this night.
Beautiful Mirror A Boon of Aphrodite is likely. You can Rarify her Epic blessings once this night.

At the first instance that you give an offering of Nectar to Aphrodite, you'll receive the Beautiful Mirror Keepsake in return.

You can equip this keepsake by the Silver Pool before every night to increase chances to receive Boons from Aphrodite, as well as an option to rarify her boons.

Best Keepsakes Tier List

Aphrodite Info and Gameplay Tips

Character Info

Aphrodite Epithet Goddess of Love
Faction Olympian
Voice Actor Courtney Vineys


Aphrodite's Boons are characterized by their focus on enhancing offensive capabilities and inflicting status effects upon foes. Whether it's boosting attack power, weakening enemies, or causing them to suffer from the effects of charm, her Boons provide versatile tools for players to wield in combat.


Aphrodite's Boons excel when paired with those that compound her survivability. Synergy with Apollo can be particularly fun since enemies will either hit with their Weak attacks, or completely miss because of Daze.

Since Aphrodite's Boons benefit from lengthier encounters, boons that ramp up damage are also strong. Hestia's Scorch can slowly chip away the enemy's health while Melinoe navigates the battlefield from safety.

Aphrodite Curse and Effects

Afflicts the Weak Curse

Hades 2 - Weak foes

Weak Curse: Afflicted foes deal at least 10% less damage. Lasts 3 Sec.

Weak, the curse tied to Aphrodite, helps with your survivability by making it so that enemies inflicted with Weak will deal less damage for a short period of time.

While you should ideally be avoiding getting hit anyway, this is especially helpful against swarms of enemies where it may be hard to dodge attacks coming in from all directions.

Can Grant the Heartthrob Effect

Heartthrob An explosive projectile that revolves around you. Expires after 20 Sec.

Heart Breaker, one of Aphrodite's boons, grants Melinoe added protection in the form of a floating explosive orb that surrounds her after every 30 Magick spent. Each orb lasts about 20 seconds, essentially arming you with a layer of external protection.

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