Hades 2

How to Get Moly and How to Use

Moly can be obtained as a Greenery Item in Hades 2. Learn how to get Moly, as well as the uses of Moly in the game.

How to Get Moly

Picked Up From Erebus

Moly can be picked up as an item in various areas throughout Erebus. A Gathering Tool is not required to acquire this item in the game.

Erebus Guide

Received as a Reward for Prophecies

Prophecy How to Unlock How to Complete Rewards
Blades of Pure SIlver Unlocks with the Fated List. Unlock the Sister Blades.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1

All Prophecies in the Fated List

How to Use Moly

Used For Incantations

Incantation Effects Ingredients
Hades 2 - Fated InterventionFated Intervention Beseech the Three Fates to lend their aid in a time of great need.
Hades 2 - AshesAsh x2
Hades 2 - SilverSilver x1
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x2
Hades 2 - NightNight's Craftwork Reveal Gathering Tools within the Silver Pool. Unlock them to gather Silver, Psyche, and more.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - Reagent SensingReagent Sensing After Encounters, become alerted to any valuable resources in the area.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - Flourishing SoilFlourishing Soil Create two Soil Plots, for growing Nightshade and other plants. Grants +1 Nightshade Seeds.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - Forget-Me-NotForget-Me-Not Improve your memory. Press Special on recipes for aat-a-glance reminders for which resources you need.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - Woodsy LifespringWoodsy Lifespring Reveal a hidden glade in Erebus, where you may restore some Healing amid the gloom.
Hades 2 - SilverSilver x3
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - Rite of Vapor-CleansingRite of Vapor-Cleansing Restore the Crossroads Hot Springs, so they may be used (min. two guests at a time). Grants +1 Bath Salts.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x2
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x2
Hades 2 - LotusLotus x2
Hades 2 - Cleansing of Fountain-WatersCleansing of Fountain-Waters Enhance Fountains so that they restore +10% Life.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - LotusLotus x1
Hades 2 - Permeation of Witching-WardsPermeation of Witching-Wards Gain the ability to traverse Warded gateways, such as the one leading to the surface...
Hades 2 - CinderCinder x1
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - ShadowShadow x1
Hades 2 - Rise of the Stygian WellsRise of the Stygian Wells Cause Locations in the Underworld to sometimes contain a Well of Charon.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x1
Hades 2 - Kindred KeepsakesKindred Keepsakes Manifest your collection of Keepsakes in the spaces separating each Region.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x2
Hades 2 - LimestoneLime x4
Hades 2 - LotusLotus x1
Hades 2 - Surge of Stygian WellsSurge of Stygian Wells Cause a Well of Charon to appear in the space between each Underworld Region.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x3
Hades 2 - CattailCattail x3
Hades 2 - Circles of ProtectionCircles of Protection Activate Warding Circles found throughout Erebus, to then use to your advantage.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x1
Hades 2 - LotusLotus x1
Hades 2 - Mandrake RootMandrake x1
Hades 2 - Abyssal InsightAbyssal Insight Activate the Pitch-Black Stone in the Training Grounds, then attempt its Trials for Star Dust.
Hades 2 - Fate FabricF.Fabric x2
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x2
Hades 2 - NightshadeN.Shade x2
Hades 2 - PearlPearl x2
Hades 2 - Observance of GaiaObservance of Gaia's Secrets Gain 20% chance to find +1 resources whenever you gather them by hand.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly 7
Hades 2 - LotusLotus 7
Hades 2 - MossMoss 7
Hades 2 - Purification of Crystal ClarityPurification of Crystal Clarity Restore the waters surrounding Narcissus, so that he may carry on fawning over himself.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly 3
Hades 2 - TearsTears 3
Hades 2 - Mandrake RootMandrake 3
Hades 2 - Power to Pause and ReflectPower to Pause and Reflect Suppress the ability for Chronos to prevent you from pausing during your confrontation.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly 3
Hades 2 - Zodiac SandZ.Sand 3

Best Incantations to Get First

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Used to Unlock Rank 3 Arcana

Grasp Cost
Ability Cost
I: The Sorceress
(Cost: 1)
While you channel your Omega Moves, everything moves slower for 2/3/4 Sec.
Hades 2 - MolyMoly x6
Hades 2 - Moon DustM.Dust x3

Moly Info

Moly Information
Hades - Moly Icon Moly
Description Small pale petals belie the bloody origins of this powerful yet black-rooted bloom.
Type Greenery
Required Tool Picked Up

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