Hades 2

Poseidon Boons and Gameplay Tips

Hades 2 - Poseidon Boons and Gameplay Tips

Poseidon is one of the Olympian Gods that can assist Melinoe in Hades 2. As trident-wielding God of the Sea, Poseidon's Boons strike strong and fast while keeping enemies at a distance but can also be used to charge straight ahead. Read on to learn more about Poseidon, their boons, and gameplay tips for their boons in this guide!

All Poseidon Boons

List of Standard Poseidon Boons

Boon Description Stat Improved
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Wave Strike Wave Strike Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Your Attacks hit foes with a splash that knocks other foes away. Splash Damage:
・Common: 15
・Rare: 20
・Epic: 25
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Wave Flourish Wave Flourish Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Your Specials hit foes with a splash that knocks other foes away. Splash Damage:
・Common: 20
・Rare: 30
・Epic: 40
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Geyser Ring Geyser Ring Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Your Omega Cast immediately detonates, dealing damage and knocking foes away. Omega Cast Damage:
・Common: 100
・Rare: 150
・Epic: 200
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Breaker Sprint Breaker Sprint Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Your Sprint deals damage on impact and knocks foes away, but uses 5 Magick per hit. Impact Damage:
・Common: 80
・Rare: 120
・Epic: 160
・Heroic: 200
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Fluid Gain Fluid Gain Hades 2 - Water Element Boon After you strike foes with your Weapon, a Spirit Bubble may appear. Spirit Bubble Chance:
・Common: 10%
・Rare: 12%
・Epic: 14%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Water Fitness Water Fitness Infusion Boon
Requires: 1 Water
While you have at least 4 Water Boons, gain Max Life.
Max Life:
・Common: +100
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Double Up Double Up Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Whenever you claim a Minor Find or similar resource reward, a copy may appear. Double Reward Chance:
・Common: +20%
・Rare: +25%
・Epic: +30%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Hydraulic Might Hydraulic Might Hades 2 - Water Element Boon At the start of each Encounter, your Attacks and Specials are stronger for 10 Sec. Initial Damage Bonus:
・Common: +100%
・Rare: +133%
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Flood Control Flood Control Hades 2 - Water Element Boon After you enter a Location, Prime 30 Magick to reduce any damage you would take. Damage Reduction per Hit:
・Common: -2
・Rare: -3
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Sunken Treasure Sunken Treasure Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Gain Gold Crowns, Healing, and sometimes Ashes and Psyche. Gold Received:
・Common: +90 Gold Crowns
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Ocean Ocean's Bounty Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Any Minor Finds and Gold Crowns are worth more. Reward Value:
・Common: +50%
・Rare: +75%
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Slippery Slope Slippery Slope Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Your splash effects from Poseidon also inflict Slip on foes.
▶︎ Requirements:
Wave Strike / Wave Flourish
Slip Bonus Damage:
・Common: +5%
・Rare: +10%
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Poseidon Boon - Crashing Wave Crashing Wave Hades 2 - Water Element Boon Whenever your knock-away effects slam foes into barriers, create a blast in the area.
▶︎ Requirements:
Wave Strike / Wave Flourish / Geyser Ring / Breaker Sprint
Blast Damage:
・Common: 50
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD

List of All Boons

List of Poseidon's Duo Boons

Boon and Effect Requirements
Beach BallBeach Ball
Your Sprint creates a watery sphere behind you. After you stop, it surges ahead and bursts.
Any of these Apollo Boons:
Blinding Sprint
・Lucid Gain

Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Breaker Sprint
・Fluid Gain

Island GetawayIsland Getaway
You take less damage from nearby foes. Boons of Aphrodite treat all foes as nearby.
Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Wave Strike
・Wave Flourish
・Geyser Ring
・Breaker Sprint

Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Flutter Strike
・Flutter Flourish

Golden RuleGolden Rule
You deal more damage the more Gold you have.
Any of these Hera Boons:
Engagement Ring
・Nexus Sprint
・Born Gain

Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Geyser Ring
・Breaker Sprint
・Fluid Gain

Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Ocean's Bounty
・Double Up
Killer CurrentKiller Current
Your lightning deals more damage to Slip-afflicted foes.
Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Slippery Slope
Any of these Zeus Boons:
Heaven Strike
・Heaven Flourish
・Storm Ring
・Thunder Sprint
・Divine Vengeance
・Lightning Lance

Natural SelectionNatural Selection
Location Rewards exclude Max Life, Max Magick, and Gold Crowns. Boons are more likely to be Rare or better.
Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Fluid Gain
・Ocean's Bounty
・Sunken Treasure
・Double Up

Any of these Demeter Boons:
Tranquil Gain
・Frigid Sprint
・Winter Coat
・Cold Storage
・Rare Crop

Scalding VaporScalding Vapor
If foes with Slip are struck by fire from Hestia, they are engulfed in Steam.
Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Slippery Slope
Any of these Hestia Boons:
Flame Strike
・Flame Flourish
・Smolder Ring
・Spontaneous Combustion
・Burning Desire
・Controlled Burn
・Glowing Coal

Seismic HammerSeismic Hammer
Your Omega Cast occasionally creates a blast that deals 500 damage in the area.
Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Geyser Ring
Any of these Hephaestus Boons:
Volcanic Strike
・Volcanic Flourish
・Smithy Sprint

List of Duo Boons

How to Get Poseidon's Legendary Boon

Boon Requirements
King TideKing Tide
( Poseidon )
Your splash effects from Poseidon are larger and deal bonus damage to Guardians.
One of these Boons:
Wave Strike
・Wave Flourish

One of these Boons:
Slippery Slope
One of these Boons:
Crashing Wave

To meet the requirements for Poseidon's Legendary Boon, we recommend getting Wave Strike first, then Slippery Slope, into a Crashing Wave boon.

This boon build path offers the best synergy leading up to King Tide, dealing high splash damage against all types of enemies. The Slip Curse combined with King Tide should make it easier for your Attacks to defeat guardians due to the compounding bonus damage.

List of Legendary Boons

Poseidon Keepsake

Vivid Sea

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
Vivid Sea A Boon of Poseidon is likely. You can Rarify his Common blessings once this night.
Vivid Sea A Boon of Poseidon is likely. You can Rarify his Rare blessings once this night.
Vivid Sea A Boon of Poseidon is likely. You can Rarify his Epic blessings once this night.

At the first instance that you give an offering of Nectar to Poseidon, you'll receive the Vivid Sea Keepsake in return.

You can equip this keepsake by the Silver Pool before every night to increase chances to receive Boons from Poseidon, as well as an option to rarify his boons.

Best Keepsakes Tier List

Poseidon Info and Gameplay Tips

Character Info

Poseidon Epithet God of the Sea
Faction Olympian
Voice Actor Logan Cunningham


Poseidon's Boons are characterized by dealing more damage while keeping enemies at a safer distance, much how like you can imagine Poseidon fighting with a Trident. This can translate to your own playstyle by keeping enemies at medium range while continuously attacking them.

Alternatively you can also use Poseidon's Sprint Boon to charge at foes dealing damage with every impact. This could pair well with Demeter's Freeze or Hestia's Scorch.


Poseidon's Boons excel when paired with Demeter's boons that temporarily stun and freeze an enemy letting you deal even more damage. This can also go well with Hestia's Scorch as it deals damage over time giving you the tactical advantage.

Poseidon Curse and Effects

Afflicts the Slip Curse

Slip Curse: Afflicted foes take more damage and are knocked farther away. Lasts 3 Sec.

Slip, the curse tied to Poseidon, helps you deal more damage against enemies. This will pair well with weapons that are quicker but deal less damage like the Sister Blades.

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