Hades 2

Beginner's Guide to Hades 2

Hades II - Beginner

This is a beginner's guide for Hades 2, an action rogue-like dungeon crawler. Check out Game8's beginner's guide to learn more about the game, including what you should know before playing, and tips and tricks to get you started on your task to end Chronos.

Tips and Tricks for Runs and Combat

Tips and Tricks for Runs and Combat

Utilize Omega Moves in Fights

A new addition to your repertoire of attacks are Omega (Ω) Moves that consume Magick to add new properties to your Attack and Special moves.

Omega Moves are activated by holding Attack or Special (X and Y on Xbox Controller respectively) then releasing the button once the Magick gauge is full.

Controls and Combat Guide

Sorceress Arcana Slows Down Time When Charging Omega Moves

One of the recommended Arcana to unlock first at the Altar of Ashes is the Sorceress Arcana. When it's active, charging Omega Moves will slow down time, allowing you to aim and unleash a well-placed attack.

Enemy projectiles are also slowed while charging. Take advantage of this small window to find a safe place and reposition accordingly.

Take Advantage of Terrain Kills

Some objects in the environment like trees are destructible and can be used for a burst of damage allowing you to score Terrain Kills.

Lure enemies, align yourself, and time your attack to deal heavy damage to enemies.

Dash for Invincibility Frames and Mobility

Hades 2 - Dash for Invincibility Frames and Mobility

Aside from quickly repositioning, the Dash has invincibility frames that you can use to safely move and dodge through enemy attacks and projectiles. It can also be used to cross small gaps and pass through thin obstacles!

You may notice a trail right behind Melinoe after performing a Dash. This indicates that your Dash is on cooldown. You may use your Dash again when the trail dissipates.

Sprint to Avoid Major Attacks

Hades 2 - Sprint to Avoid Major Attacks

Bosses and Elite enemies have attacks that cover a wide area and can last for a while. In some situations you may find that Dashes are insufficient to evade these kinds of attacks.

Another way to evade attacks is to Sprint by holding down Dash. This lets you move faster and outrun some enemy attacks and projectiles.

Select Boons to Upgrade Each Move

Hades 2 - Select Boons to Upgrade Each Move

Look to select Boons that cover the entirety of your moveset. Moves that are not upgraded by Boons are quite weak on their own.

If you're presented with a set of Boons for the same move slot, weigh your options and check if it would help your build for your current run!

List of All Boons

Prioritize Ashes Over Psyche Early On

Hades 2 - Choose Ashes Over Psyche Early On

When choosing between rewards during your runs, try to collect Ashes especially if you're just starting out.

Ashes are used to unlock and activate Arcana at the Altar of Ashes before starting a run. Arcana provide passive skills that persist between runs and can significantly increase your chances of having a successful run.

Altar of Ashes

Collect Psyche to Increase Grasp

Hades 2 - Collect Psyche to Increase Grasp

Psyche is used to increase Grasp or your Arcana capacity. If you wish to equip more Arcana at a time during your runs, choose Psyche as a reward when available.

How to Increase Grasp

Check for Resources Before Moving to the Next Encounter

Hades 2 - Check for Resources Before Moving to the Next Encounter

Make sure to sweep the area for resources that you can gather before moving to the next encounter. Every resource collected counts as it can help you get upgrades sooner.

Each Tool Required for Each Resource

Tips and Tricks for Outside Runs

Tips and Tricks for Outside Runs

Power Up Via the Arcana

Hades 2 - Power Up Via the Arcana

The Arcana provides power-ups that carry over across all your runs as part of the game's meta-progression.

Choose Arcana from the Altar of Ashes that suit your play style the best to have a successful run.

Unlock Weapons and Tools

Hades 2 - Unlock Tools and Weapons

Look to unlock Nocturnal Arms or weapons, along with the Tools at the Silver Pool. Weapons and Tools are also part of the meta-progression.

Similar to the Arcana, you can freely experiment with your loadout for your preferred play style.

Weapons and Nocturnal Arms

Check Materials Needed for Incantations

Hades 2 - Check Materials Needed for Incantations

The Incantations at the cauldron across Hecate help develop the Crossroads and unlock new features.

Always look to gather the required materials before starting a run!

Best Incantations to Get First

Use Forget-Me-Not Incantation When Collecting Materials

Hades 2 - Forget-Me-Not

One notable Incantation is the Forget-Me-Not that marks required materials for selected recipes with a finger icon, something similar to a wishlist function.

When you find the material in a run, it will have the icon to remind you that it's something you're looking for.

Gift Nectar to NPCs for Keepsakes

Hades 2 - Gift Nectar to NPCs for Keepsakes

When gifting Nectar, it's recommended to give one to every NPC, instead of giving multiple Nectar to a single NPC. This lets you unlock multiple Keepsakes that you can choose from.

Keepsakes are equippable items that provide passive skills or modify your runs, and can be upgraded until tier three for stronger effects.

Best Keepsakes Tier List

Examine Prophecies for Rewards

Hades 2 - Examine Prophecies for Rewards

Remember to check the Prophecies once in a while as it contains a list of tasks that you achieve as you play the game naturally.

Prophecies can give you materials that can help you get towards your next upgrade sooner.

Cultivate Plants and Seeds

Hades 2 - Cultivate Plants and Seeds

Between runs, always check that you have plants and seeds waiting to grow. Plants grow over multiple encounters and will provide you with valuable materials when harvested.

Farming Guide

All Tips and Tricks Guides

Hades 2 Tips and Tricks

Hades 2 - Tips and Tricks
Beginner's Guide to Hades 2

Hades 2 Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Guides
Best Arcana to Unlock First How to Increase Grasp
How to Increase Max Health How to Increase Max Magick
Armor Guide Magick Guide and
Omega Moves
How to Level Up Boons How to Unlock the Book of Shadows
Romance and Gifting
Crossroad Guides
What Does Saluting Do? Why Didn't Fated Intervention Work?
Best Incantations to Get First List of Prophecies
Keepsakes Tier List Altar of Ashes
Broker Exchanges How to Unlock Charon's Gold Rewards Shop
Farming Guide How to Get Animal Familiars
How to Bathe How to Go to The Surface and Unseal the Wards
Chaos Trials -
Guides on Run Mechanics
Does Weather Affect the Battlefield? Door Symbols and Room Rewards
Elite Encounters Explained Path of Stars Guide: How to Power Up Hexes
Glossary of Gameplay Terms -
Settings Guides
Best Settings Is there Autosave?
God Mode Explained Controls and Combat Guide

Hades 2 Related Guides

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Hades 2 Guides and Wiki Top

Hades 2 Guides

Hades 2 Wiki Contents
Hades 2 - News and Game Info News and Game Info Hades 2 - Tips and Tricks BannerTips and Tricks
Hades 2 - Characters Banner Characters Hades 2 - Bosses Partial Banner Bosses
Hades 2 - Boons Banner Boons Hades 2 - All WeaponsWeapons
Hades 2 - Gathering Tools Partial Banner.png Tools Hades 2 - Regions Partial BannerRegions
Hades II - Items Partial Banner Template.pngItems -


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