Hades 2

Narcissus Character Guide

Hades 2 - Narcissus Boons and Gameplay Tips

Narcissus is one of the characters that Melinoe meets in Oceanus in Hades 2. See who Narcissus is, where to find Narcissus, as well as the Keepsake he offers and his backstory.

Who Is Narcissus?

Gives You Gifts During Runs

Hades 2 - Gives You Gifts During Runs

Whenever you run into Narcissus in Oceanus during your runs, he will offer you an assortment of gifts ranging from Health and Magick recovery to Psyche, Gold Crowns, Bones, and other resources.

Magick Guide and Omega Moves

Current Portrait is a Placeholder

Hades 2 - Current Portrait is a Placeholder

Players are wondering why Narcissus is a hooded figure when he is known for his remarkable beauty. This is only a placeholder as the game is currently on early access.

Narcissus's portrait will surely be added in the upcoming updates, so check back soon!

Where to Find Narcissus

Found in Oceanus

Hades 2 - Found in Oceanus

Narcissus can be found in Oceanus, the second region of the Underworld. Similar to Arachne, Narcissus's Location is indicated by a pair of hands with a speech bubble.

Narcissus Keepsake

Aromatic Phial

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
Aromatic Phial Fountains restore +20% Life. The next makes 1 random Common Boon of yours Rare.
Aromatic Phial Fountains restore +20% Life. The next makes 1 random Common Boon of yours Epic.
Aromatic Phial Fountains restore +20% Life. The next makes 1 random Common Boon of yours Heroic.

You can get the Aromatic Phial from Narcissus the first time you gift him Nectar.

The Aromatic Phial makes healing fountains restore more Life and upgrades the rarity of the next Boon you find.

Best Keepsakes Tier List

Narcissus in Mythology

Fell In Love with His Own Reflection

Hades 2 - Fell In Love with His Own Reflection

Narcissus was known for his striking beauty who rejected the advances of all suitors and eventually fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water.

His depiction in Hades 2 has him gazing at his reflection in a body of water in Oceanus. The gifts he gives you are things given by suitors and he's glad that you'll take them off his hands.

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Underworld NPCs
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