Hades 2

Artemis Boons and Gameplay Tips

Hades 2 - Artemis Boons and Gameplay Tips

Artemis is one of the Olympian Gods who assists Melinoe in combat and with Boons in Hades 2. Read on to learn more about the goddess of the Hunt Artemis, their boons, and gameplay tips in this guide!

Artemis Boons

List of Boons

Boon Description Stat Improved
Hades 2 - Artemis Boon - Pressure Points Pressure Points Hades 2 - Earth Element Boon Any damage you deal may be Critical. Critical Chance:
・Common: +3%
・Rare: +4%
・Epic: +5%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Artemis Boon - Silver Streak Silver Streak Hades 2 - Air Element Boon After you Dash, your Omega Moves deal more damage for 2 Sec. Bonus Omega Damage:
・Common: +10%
・Rare: +15%
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Artemis Boon - First Blood First Blood Hades 2 - Earth Element Boon Foes with at least 80% Life or 80% Armor may take Critical damage. Critical Chance:
・Common: +10%
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Artemis Boon - Lethal Snare Lethal Snare Hades 2 - Earth Element Boon Foes in your Casts may take Critical damage from your Attacks. Critical Chance:
・Common: +8%
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Artemis Boon - Easy Shot Easy Shot Hades 2 - Air Element Boon A piercing arrow fires toward any foe damaged by your Omega Cast. Arrow Damage:
・Common: 20
・Rare: 30
・Epic: 40
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Artemis Boon - Support Fire Support Fire Hades 2 - Air Element Boon After you hit with your Attacks or Specials, fire a seeking arrow. Arrow Damage:
・Common: 10
・Rare: 15
・Epic: 20
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Artemis Boon - Death Warrant Death Warrant Hades 2 - Earth Element Boon A random foe occasionally becomes Marked. If it takes Critical damage, this repeats. Time Between Marks:
・Common: 20 Sec.
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: 16 Sec.
・Heroic: TBD

List of All Boons

Artemis Keepsake

White Antler

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
White Antler While you have no more than 30 Life, you have +20% chance to deal Critical damage.
White Antler While you have no more than 30 Life, you have +30% chance to deal Critical damage.
White Antler While you have no more than 30 Life, you have +40% chance to deal Critical damage.

The White Antler is a Keepsake that provides a hefty boost to your damage output with its added chance to deal Critical damage on your attacks.

The caveat is you need to be at 30 Life or less to get the benefits of the White Antler, making it a high risk, high reward Keepsake.

Best Keepsakes Tier List

Artemis Info and Gameplay Tips

Character Info

Artemis Epithet Goddess of the Hunt
Faction Olympian
Voice Actor Jamie Landrum

Appears Randomly in Locations

Hades 2 - Appears Randomly in Locations

Artemis has a chance to appear after entering a new Location with a non-boss combat encounter. You'll be notified of Artemis's presence when the screen says “The Hunt Is On”.

Artemis will assist you in this encounter by shooting arrows and inflicting the Marked status on enemies, which lets you deal Critical damage.

Once the enemies are cleared, Artemis will offer you Boons. This means you cannot select Artemis's Boons as a reward prior to entering a Location, unlike those from the other gods.


Artemis's Boons revolve around increasing your damage output with Critical damage and inflicting the Marked status.

Critical damage lets your offensive moves deal +200% damage, while Marked enemies have a chance to take Critical damage.

Since these mechanics do not significantly alter a build's play style, Artemis's Boons are adaptable and compatible with most builds.

Controls and Combat Guide


Artemis's Boons have great synergy with Boons from Hermes that increase the speed of Attacks and Specials. This lets you unleash more attacks so you can score more Critical hits.

In a similar vein, Boons from Apollo and certain Daedalus Hammer upgrades allow your offensive moves to hit twice, increasing your chances to deal Critical damage.

Artemis Curse and Effects

Afflicts the Marked Curse

Hades 2 - Marked

Marked Curse: Afflicted foes have +30% chance to take Critical damage. Lasts 6 Sec.

Enemies that are Marked have a chance to take Critical damage and can be quickly taken down.

The Marked status only lasts for 6 seconds, so try to prioritize marked enemies in combat, as long as you don't put yourself in a bad position!

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