Hades 2

Nemesis Character Guide

Hades 2 - Nemesis Boons and Gameplay Tips

Nemesis is Retribution Incarnate, one of the children of Nyx, in Hades 2. See all Nemesis event rooms, her backstory, as well as her Keepsake and role in Greek Mythology.

Nemesis Event Rooms

List of Nemesis Event Rooms

If you've encountered an event with Nemesis that isn't listed here, feel free to let us know down in the comments!

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Trade Offer

Hades 2 - Trade Offer
Whenever you run into Nemesis, you will trigger a random event. One of these events involve Nemesis offering you a random item in exchange for Gold Crowns.

You're free to decline her if you're not interested in what she's offering.

How to Get Golden Crowns

Wager Battle

Hades 2 - Wager Battle

If you encounter Nemesis while she's in a fighting mood, she will challenge you to a wager battle.

In this event, you'll have to slay more enemies than her. If you succeed, you'll earn Gold Crowns. If you lose, you will lose Gold Crowns instead.

Controls and Combat Guide

DPS Check

Hades 2 - DPS Check

Another Nemesis event involves a DPS check where you'll need to deal 1000 damage in 5 seconds. You'll get a reward regardless if you pass or not, but you'll get more if you succeed.

Who is Nemesis?

One of Melinoe's Contemporaries

Nemesis Epithet Retribution Incarnate
Faction Unseen
Voice Actor Becca Q. Co

Nemesis is one of Melinoe's contemporaries in The Crossroads. She is usually antagonistic towards Melinoe, and unbending towards the wishes of Hecate.

A Rival of Sorts

Nemesis can also be seen as a rival of sorts for Melinoe, ever trying to outdo her and thus pushing her to continue improving herself.

Wielder of the Stygian Blade

Hades 2 - Nemesis.png

Nemesis can also be seen in possession of the Stygian Blade infused with her Aspect of Nemesis. If you remember, this is the same blade Zagreus weilded in the previous game.

Nemesis Keepsakes

Evil Eye

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
Hades 2 - Evil EyeEvil Eye Deal +20% damage to the last foe that vanquished you.
Hades 2 - Evil EyeEvil Eye Deal +25% damage to the last foe that vanquished you.
Hades 2 - Evil EyeEvil Eye Deal +30% damage to the last foe that vanquished you.

Nemesis' keepsake Evil Eye allows you to exact vengeance against the last enemy that defeated you. You can now deal 20% more damage to that enemy, making it a particularly reliable keepsake to equip after getting defeated by a Guardian.

Best Keepsakes Tier List

Nemesis in Mythology

Daughter of Nyx

Nemesis is the personification of the emotion of righteous anger in Greek myth. It is said that Nemesis is a winged goddess who is said to fly around the world bringing upon righteous anger and delivering justice to people for their wrongdoings.

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