Hades 2

Moros Character Guide

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Moros is Doom Incarnate, one of the children of Nyx, in Hades 2. See a backstory of Moros, as well as their Keepsakes, and more!

Who is Moros?

Emissary of The Fates

Moros Epithet Doom Incarnate
Faction Unseen
Voice Actor Sterling Sulieman

Moros is regarded as the Emissary of The Fates, a personification of inevitability that binds the cosmos. He initially appears to Melinoe after a particular attempt to give her the Fated List, a list of prophetic side missions that Melione can accomplish to get rewards.

Moros Keepsakes

Engaved Pin

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
Engraved Pin After you fall to 0 Life, become Impervious for 10 Sec. If no foes, remain, restore 30 Life.
Engraved Pin After you fall to 0 Life, become Impervious for 10 Sec. If no foes, remain, restore 45 Life.
Engraved Pin After you fall to 0 Life, become Impervious for 10 Sec. If no foes, remain, restore 60 Life.

Moros' keepsake Engraved Pin functions in the same way as Death Defiance, but with a twist. You can only heal by successfully defeating all foes within a 10 second window after falling to 0 Life; within those 10 seconds, you will be impervious to any form of attack.

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Moros in Mythology

Son of Nyx

Hades II - Why Didn

Moros is the personification of impending doom and inevitability, making him the perfect emissary of the Fates in Greek mythology. Moros is often seen as a “hateful” spirit of doom because he is a primordial force that drives men to their inevitable death.

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