Hades 2

Apollo Boons and Gameplay Tips

Hades 2 - Apollo Boons and Gameplay Tips

Apollo is one of the Olympian Gods that can assist Melinoe in Hades 2. The God of Light empowers your attacks and makes your enemies miss theirs. Read on to learn more about Apollo, their boons, and gameplay tips for their Boons in this guide!

All Apollo Boons

List of Standard Apollo Boons

Boon Description Stat Improved
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Nova Strike Nova Strike Hades 2 - Air Element Boon Your Attacks deal more damage in a larger area. Attack Damage:
・Common: +40%
・Rare: +50%
・Epic: +60%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Nova Flourish Nova Flourish Hades 2 - Air Element Boon Your Specials deal more damage in a larger area. Special Damage:
・Common: +60%
・Rare: +80%
・Epic: +100%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Solar Ring Solar Ring Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon After your Omega Cast expires, reapidly deal damage in the area for 2 Sec. Omega Cast Damage:
・Common: 10 (every 0.13 Sec.)
・Rare: 15 (every 0.13 Sec.)
・Epic: 20 (every 0.13 Sec.)
・Heroic: 25 (every 0.13 Sec.)
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Blinding Sprint Blinding Sprint Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Sprint is faster and inflicts Daze on nearby foes. Sprint Speed:
・Common: +15%
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Lucid Gain Lucid Gain Hades 2 - Air Element Boon While standing in your Casts, gradually restore Magick. Magick Restoration:
・Common: +12 (every 1 Sec.)
・Rare: +18 (every 1 Sec.)
・Epic: +24 (every 1 Sec.)
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Self Healing Self Healing Infusion Boon
Requires: 1 Fire
While you have at least 3 Fire Boons, whenever you take damage, restore some Life.
Damage Recovered:
・Common: 30% (over 5 Sec.)
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Super Nova Super Nova Hades 2 - Air Element Boon Your Casts expand in size until they expire. Max Cast Size:
・Common: +40%
・Rare: +50%
・Epic: +60%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Light Smite Light Smite Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon After you take damage, your foe takes damage and you inflict Daze on all foes. Revenge Damage:
・Common: 50
・Rare: 75
・Epic: 100
・Heroic: 125
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Extra Dose Extra Dose Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Attack has a chance to hit 2 times. Double Strike Chance:
・Common: +5%
・Rare: +8%
・Epic: +11%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Perfect Image Perfect Image Hades 2 - Air Element Boon In each Encounter, you deal more damage until you take damage. No-Hit Bonus Damage:
・Common: +10%
・Rare: +15%
・Epic: +20%
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Back Burner Back Burner Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Foes with Daze take more damage if struck from behind.
▶︎ Requirements:
Blinding Sprint / Light Smite / Dazzling Display
Backstab Damage:
・Common: 100
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Critical Miss Critical Miss Hades 2 - Air Element Boon Foes take damage whenever Daze causes them to miss.
▶︎ Requirements:
Blinding Sprint / Light Smite / Dazzling Display
Miss Damage:
・Common: 100
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD
Hades 2 - Apollo Boon - Dazzling Display Dazzling Display Hades 2 - Fire Element Boon Your Attacks may inflict Daze.
▶︎ Requirements:
Nova Strike
Daze Chance:
・Common: +10%
・Rare: TBD
・Epic: TBD
・Heroic: TBD

List of All Boons

List of Apollo's Duo Boons

Boon and Effect Requirements
Sun WorshiperSun Worshiper
In each Encounter, the first foe you slay returns to fight for you.
Any of these Hera Boons:
Engagement Ring
・Nexus Sprint
・Born Gain

Any of these Apollo Boons:
Solar Ring
・Blinding Sprint
・Lucid Gain

Sunny DispositionSunny Disposition
Whenever you create Heartthrobs, create more.
Any of these Aphrodite Boons:
Heart Breaker
Any of these Apollo Boons:
Nova Strike
・Nova Flourish
・Solar Ring
・Lucid Gain

Beach BallBeach Ball
Your Sprint creates a watery sphere behind you. After you stop, it surges ahead and bursts.
Any of these Apollo Boons:
Blinding Sprint
・Lucid Gain

Any of these Poseidon Boons:
Breaker Sprint
・Fluid Gain

Stellar SlamStellar Slam
Your blast effects from Hephaestus deal damage in a larger area.
Any of these Hephaestus Boons:
Volcanic Strike
・Volcanic Flourish
・Smithy Sprint

Any of these Apollo Boons:
Nova Strike
・Nova Flourish
・Solar Ring
・Super Nova

Glorious DisasterGlorious Disaster
You can Channel +30 Magick into your Omega Cast to repeatedly Strike foes with lightning bolts.
Any of these Apollo Boons:
Solar Ring
Any of these Zeus Boons:
Heaven Strike
・Heaven Flourish
・Thunder Sprint

Phoenix SkinPhoenix Skin
Give up 100 Max Life. If you do not take or deal damage for 3 Sec., rapidly restore Life.
Any of these Apollo Boons:
Nova Strike
・Nova Flourish
・Lucid Gain

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Flame Strike
・Flame Flourish
・Smolder Ring

Any of these Hestia Boons:
Burnt Offering
・Flammable Coating
・Hearth Gain
Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour
Each time you use your Omega Cast in an Encounter, it gets stronger but uses +5 Magick.
Any of these Apollo Boons:
Solar Ring
・Blinding Sprint
・Lucid Gain

Any of these Demeter Boons:
Arctic Ring
・Frigid Sprint
・Tranquil Gain

List of Duo Boons

How to Get Apollo's Legendary Boon

Boon Requirements
Exceptional TalentExceptional Talent
( Apollo )
Your Omega Attack and Omega Special fire 2 times, but use more Magick.
One of these Boons:
Nova Strike
・Nova Flourish

One of these Boons:
Solar Ring
・Lucid Gain

One of these Boons:
Extra Dose
・Super Nova

To meet the requirements for Apollo's Legendary Boon, we recommend getting Nova Strike first, then Lucid Gain, into an Extra Dose boon.

This boon build path offers the best synergy leading up to Exceptional Talent, providing constant Magick Recovery, allowing you to spam Omega Attacks and Specials within your Casts.

List of Legendary Boons

Apollo Keepsake

Purest Hope

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
Purest Hope A Boon of Apollo is likely. You can Rarify his Common blessings once this night.
Purest Hope A Boon of Apollo is likely. You can Rarify his Rare blessings once this night.
Purest Hope A Boon of Apollo is likely. You can Rarify his Epic blessings once this night.

At the first instance that you give an offering of Nectar to Apollo, you'll receive the Purest Hope Keepsake in return.

You can equip this keepsake by the Silver Pool before every night to increase chances to receive Boons from Apollo, as well as an option to rarify his boons.

Best Keepsakes Tier List

Apollo Info and Gameplay Tips

Character Info

Apollo Epithet God of Light
Faction Olympian
Voice Actor Colin Ryan


Apollo's Boons directly empowers your attacks by increasing their damage and/or range of effect. Some of them can also inflict a curse that can make enemies miss their attacks.

The curse can be applied by either getting hit or by Sprinting into enemies, allowing an Apollo-focused build a more aggressive playstyle as you can worry a little less about dodging and focus more on attacking.


Apollo's Boons are best paired with defensive Boons from other gods as a "safety net" for Daze. You can look for Aphrodite to enfeeble enemy attacks in case Daze fails or straight up boost your defenses with Hephaestus's help.

If you're going for a glass cannon build, add Zeus's Blitz or Poseidon's Slip to your kit then top it off with Artemis's Pressure Points Boon!

Apollo Curse and Effects

Afflicts the Daze Curse

Daze Curse: Afflicted foes have 20% chance to deal no damage. Lasts 9 Sec.

Daze is Apollo's curse that makes enemy attacks miss 20% of the time, increasing your survivability, albeit based on luck. This can still be very useful in a lot of situations, especially if the enemy hits hard but attacks slowly.

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