Hades 2

All Daedalus Hammer Upgrades

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Hades 2 - All Daedalus Hammer Upgrades

Daedalus Hammers in Hades 2 affect and upgrade Melinoe's equipped weapon. See a list of Daedalus Hammer upgrades for each weapons and discover what they are in this guide!

List of All Daedalus Hammer Upgrades

Here are all the Daedalus Hammer upgrades for each weapon we have found so far:

Witch's Staff

Boon Effect
Hades 2 - Aetheric MoonburstAetheric Moonburst Your Omega Special gains a Power Shot that deals +20% damage and restores 5 Magick.
Hades 2 - Cross CataclysmCross Cataclysm Your Omega Attack deals +40% damage and also strikes sideways.
Hades 2 - Double CataclysmDouble Cataclysm Your Omega Attack hits 2 times, but no longer strikes behind you.
Hades 2 - Double MoonshotDouble Moonshot Your Special fires 2 projectiles that seek foes.
Hades 2 - Double WallopDouble Wallop Your Attack hits 2 times.
Hades 2 - Extending WallopExtending Wallop Your Attack has more range and deals +50% damage to distant foes.
Hades 2 - Giga MoonburstGiga Moonburst You can Channel +40 Magick into your Omega Special to deal +300% damage in a larger area.
Hades 2 - Marauder WallopMarauder Wallop Hold Attack to strike 50% faster, but cannot use your Omega Attack.
Hades 2 - Melting SwipeMelting Swipe Your Dash-Strike hits a larger area and destroys 60% of any Armor (based on the total).
Hades 2 - Rapid MoonfireRapid Moonfire Your Specials are 20% faster and have +5 Power.
Hades 2 - Shimmering MoonshotShimmering Moonshot Your Special bounces toward up to 2 more fores, dealing +10% damage for each hit.
Hades 2 - Vampiric CataclysmVampiric Cataclysm After you slay a foe with your Omega Attack, restore 5 health.

Sister Blades

Boon Effect
Hades 2 - Boundless FlurryBoundless Flurry Your Omega Special uses -66% Magick and you Channel it much faster.
Hades 2 - Concentrated FlurryConcentrated Flurry Your Omega Special gains +4 Power each time it keeps hitting the same foe.
Hades 2 - Dancing KnivesDancing Knives Your Specials deal +15% damage and each hit bounces toward up to 2 more foes.
Hades 2 - Escalating AmbushEscalating Ambush In each Encounter, your Omega Attack gains +5 Power for each foe you slay with it.
Hades 2 - Explosive AmbushExplosive Ambush Your Omega Attack hits a wide area and deals +400% damage, but uses +20 Magick.
Hades 2 - Final SliceFinal Slice The last strike in your Attack sequence deals +300% damage in a larger area.
Hades 2 - Hook KnivesHook Knives Your Specials return to you and deal +50% damage striking foes from behind.
Hades 2 - Marauder SliceMarauder Slice Hold Attack to slice repeatedly, but cannot use your Omega Attack.
Hades 2 - Skulking SliceSkulking Slice Your Attacks deal +200% damagee striking foes from behind.
Hades 2 - Spiral KnivesSpiral Knives Your Specials deal +40% damage and your Omega Special fires up to 16 shots around you.
Hades 2 - Sureshot FlurrySureshot Flurry Your Omega Special fires each shot straight ahead and your Specials have +20% range.

Moonstone Axe

Boon Effect
Hades 2 - Psychic WhirlwindPsychic Whirlwind During your Omega Attack, you are free to use your Attacks and Specials.
Hades 2 - Furious WhirlwindFurious Whirlwind You Channel your Omega Attack faster, and move 60% faster while it is active.
Hades 2 - Giga CleaverGiga Cleaver You can Channel +15 Magick into your Omega Special to fire 2 times ahead of you.
Hades 2 - Concentrated WhirlwindConcentrated Whirlwind Your Omega Attack gains +2 Power each time it keeps hitting the same foe.
Hades 2 - Empowering GuardEmpowering Guard After blocking a few with your Special, deal 50% damage for 15 Sec.
Hades 2 - Melting ShredderMelting Shredder Your Special destroys 35% of any Armor (based on the total).
Hades 2 - ExecutionerExecutioner's Chop The final move in your Attack sequence hits 2 times but uses 20 Magick.
Hades 2 - Unyielding SlashUnyielding Slash Your Attacks have +10 Power and you take -20% damage while using them.

Umbral Flames

Boon Effect
Crushing Comet Your Special as +50 Power, but dissipates after striking foes.
Melting Comet Your Special fires straight ahead and destroys 80% of any Armor (based on the total).
Clean Helix You Channel your Omega Special 20% faster and it uses less 2 Magick.
Hades 2 - Origin HelixOrigin Helix Your Omega Sepecial orbits 50% faster at the point where you fired it.
Triple Helix Your Omega Special creates +1 Flame.
Hades 2 - Furious FireFurious Fire While you Channel your Attacks, they deal +10% damage and you move 30% faster.
Hades 2 - Split FireSplit Fire Your Attacks split in 2 the first time they strike foes.

Argent Skull

Boon Effect
Hades 2 - Bolstered ArrayBolstered Array Gain +2 Shells.
Hades 2 - Colossus TackleColossus Tackle Your Special has +45 Power and you take -30% damage while using it.
Hades 2 - Fetching ArrayFetching Array Your Shells return to you automatically, but you have -1 Shells.
Hades 2 - Melting TackleMelting Tackle Your Special destroys 50% of any Armor (based on the total).
Hades 2 - Sidelong CrashSidelong Crash Your Omega Special projectiles deal +120% damage and shoot farther, but only to one side.
Hades 2 - Sudden DriverSudden Driver Your Specials are 35% faster.

What are Daedalus Hammers?

Boons That Upgrade Weapons

Like Boons, Daedalus Hammers augment certain attacks of Melinoe's equipped weapon. These Hammers switch up your gameplay for a power up, but the effects are exclusive to the run you found it on.

For example, Double Cataclysm gives the Witch's Staff two frontal strikes for its Omega Attack, but removes its rear strike.

List of All Boons

Get From Room Rewards or Charon

Item How to Get
Daedalus HammerDaedalus Hammer ・Reward for clearing Encounters in Erebus and beyond
・ Purchased from Charon

Daedalus Hammers can be obtained in a similar way to Boons as well. Keep an eye out for these Hammers from the Room Rewards of Encounters.

However, if you find a Hammer on sale from Charon, consider buying it if you have 200 Gold Crowns to spare.

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