Hades 2

How to Beat the Phantom

Hades 2 - How to Beat Phantom.png

Phantom is one of the minibosses you face in the Mourning Fields in Hades 2. See how to beat the Phantom along with the other enemies that spawn with it in this guide!

How to Beat Phantom

How to Beat the Phantom

Focus on the Blight-Shades First

When you face the Phantom, it will have several Blight-Shades try and out maneuver you or overwhelm you with their greater number. Blight-Shades will not be armored, so you can trap them with your Cast and deal with them before taking on the Phantom directly.

Use Hit-and-Run Tactics

The Phantom will mostly be stationary when it attacks, especially its wind-sucking attack. This hit-and-run tactic will also spare you from the Phantom's lifesteal ability. When fighting upclose, the Phantom can heal itself while it damages you.

Keep moving to not get hit with its lifesteal melee attacks. We recommend dodging out of the way when it attacks, then launch a counterattack. Alternatively, we recommend using ranged attacks and keeping a safe distance just to be safe.

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