Hades 2

Dora Character Guide: Is Dora Pandora?

Hades 2 - Dora Boons and Gameplay Tips

Dora is a Shade that keeps Melinoe company in her chambers in Hades 2. See Dora's Keepsakes, as well as Dora's possible true identity!

Who is Dora?

Melinoe's Companion

Dora Epithet Listless Shade
Faction Unseen
Voice Actor Erin Yvette

Dora is a shade that is usually seen hanging inside Melinoe's chambers, trying to annoy and haunt her by moving her stuff while she is away.

Could be Pandora

Hades 2 - Dora might be Pandora.png
Much like how Dusa from the previous game was a play at “Medusa”, Dora could be a play on “Pandora”, the first human created by Hephaestus upon the order of Zeus according to Greek mythology.

Alternate Forms

Hades 2 - Dora Alternate Form.png
Dora is also seen to have an alternate form whenever she is in an agitated state. Her color palette becomes darker an her face disappears in shadows.

Dora Keepsakes

Ghost Onion

Rank 1 ★
Rank 2 ★★
Rank 3 ★★★
Ghost Onion Whenever you exit a Location, fully restore your Life, up to a total of 50 Healing this night.
Ghost Onion Whenever you exit a Location, fully restore your Life, up to a total of 75 Healing this night.
Ghost Onion Whenever you exit a Location, fully restore your Life, up to a total of 100 Healing this night.

Dora's Keepsakes lets you heal fully as you exit a Location. It does not heal you indefinitely. You have a maximum of 50-100 Healing Points depending on the keepsake's level. The value will be reduced by the amount of healing needed to get you back to full health after every Location.

Best Keepsakes Tier List

Dora in Mythology

May or May Not Be Pandora

While it is not confirmed whether Dora is derived from the character Pandora in Greek mythology, Dora is a character in Greek myth known for being generous and giving gifts to mortals. The name is derived from the Greek word “doron”, or the customary tradition of gift-giving in Greek culture.

This how we got the names “Dorothea”, “Dorothy”, “Theodora”, and “Theodore”, all meaning “a gift from God”.

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