Hades 2

How to Reach Asphodel

Hades 2 - How to Reach Asphodel

Asphodel is a location in the Underworld in Hades 2. See how you can get to Asphodel, its enemies, and how to escape Asphodel in this guide!

How to Reach Asphodel

Transported by Chronos

Hades 2 - Melinoe Transported to Asphodel

While going through Oceanus, Chronos can interfere with Melinoe by transporting her to Asphodel instead. This seems to happen at random, but will be indicated by Chronos preventing Melinoe from jumping into the next location in Oceanus.

How to Escape Asphodel

Search for the Golden Orb

To escape Asphodel, search the room for a floating golden orb, and press the Interact button on it. Upon interaction, the golden orb will turn into a golden ring, and a progress percentage will appear on the top left of the screen.

Stay Within the Golden Ring

Once active, the golden ring will move throughout the room in Asphodel. Melinoe must stay within the golden ring to successfully fill the progress percentage to 100% and escape.

However, Asphodel's lava landscape and host of enemies can prove to be a hindrance. Defat nearby enemies within the circle, and leave the ring if needed to avoid standing on lava.

Asphodel Enemies

Enemies From Hades 1

Hades 2 - Enemies in Asphodel

Players from Hades 1 will quickly notice the types of enemies that Melinoe will face in Asphodel. Skeletal enemies like the Bloodless, Wavemakers, and Inferno-Bombers aim to make you move out of the circle with persistent melee attacks, projectiles, and bombs.

Related Guides

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Every Region and Location

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